Sat 04 Jan
({ Your ♥ *GiRL-NeXt-DoOr ♥ Fantasy }) ___ petite __ brunette __ beauty ♥ ____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth incalls / outcalls all over)
(San Fernando Valley, Encino,Sherman Oaks Chatsworth Incalls)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Service GUARANTEED 💎💋ExOTiC💋💎 ✅ *VIP* Companion ✅ Excellent Reviews!!! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, UPSCALE Incalls CHATSWORTH)
**Specials ** Specials** specials** All Natural DDs! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, northridge, chatsworth incalls)
SoO SeXY SoO SweeT💓💗——💖💫BLonDe HoTTie 💓💗——💖💫100%ReaL w GrEAT ReVieWs💓💗——💖💫ToTaLLy NAuGHTy XoXo💓💗——💖💫 - 28
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Incalls/Outcalls*ViSiTiNG*)
New In Town Amazing 60 Special Dont Miss Out Busty Bombshell - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Incalls/outcalls)
::[•♥•] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS NICE [•♥•] - 19
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth , incalls and out)
🌹💦🌹💦 (Last night!) Up late and ready... 🌹💦🌹💦 - 25
(Canoga Park/Chatsworth incalls, San Fernando Valley)
I'M bACk!Reviewed((COME PLAY...)) 1OO% ReAL PiCs INcallS Only - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls only)
💎💋🌹 Face of An Angel 💖💋 Skills Of A Star 💗💚 Come Check Me Out 💎💚💗 Playful && Exquisite - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls & Outcalls)
🌟✨Come try🌟✨ the🌸 total 🌹girlfriend 👩package - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Discreet Incalls)
________ * ♥ * ___ B_I_G ___ B_O_O_T_Y ___ B_L_O_N_D_E ___ * ♥ * ________ - 24
(Incalls and Outcalls)
**Specials ** Specials** specials** All Natural DDs! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, northridge, chatsworth incalls)
~ೋ NEW EXOTIC BLONDE BEAUTY 80. incalls chatsworth ~ೋ - - 23
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth, canoga park, 118fwy incalls)
❤️💎❤️💎 A TASTE Of hEAvEN... ViSiTiNG (UP lATE) ❤️💎❤️💎 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park/chatsworth incalls only)
👐 WARNING 👐 💞 Extremely Sexy 💋 Very Addictive💋 🔱 ♋ 💯Pure Perfection! ✅ 💯💎 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Incalls)
neW tO ToWn rEaDy tO sHoW yOu a gOoD tiMe 😋😋😋 - 19
(chatsworth incalls, canoga park, San Fernando Valley)
Come get boys !,, I am a 20 year old white girl dream come true here Studio City eager and 100% - 22
(San Fernando Valley, studio city;SFV; Sherman Oaks; Van nuys;)
=======[ 80 SPECIAL ]=====( EXOTIC BLONDE )==== *GERMAN/ / BRAZILIAN* ==== [80 SPECIAL] ===== - 21
(Sherman Oaks)
Fri 03 Jan
★•Up lATE•★☆— •☆•—((✰ WEll REViEWEd ✰))—★☆ fOXy tREAt★☆ViSiTiNg! - 24
(chatsworth incalls only, San Fernando Valley)
~°MiXeD COLLeGe PaRTy GiRL ViSiTiNG ChatsWoRth fOr A ~ [80SPECiALS] - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 118/ChatswORth Incalls)
1OO★☆ lAST dAY! lET'S UNWiNd...• ★1OO •☆•—((✰ WEll REViEWEd ✰))—in&OUT;★☆ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls/outcalls all over)
Your True Dream Girl exotic Lebanese Bombshell In Chatsworth .. !! New Pics - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls Chatsworth All Day Hott 100%%)
❤❤❤Thick & Busty Cutie Pie Lets Play! Specials ❤❤❤ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Sfv incalls or outcalls)
💋MouTh So ViSCIOUS 💉💉Hips So DELiCIoUS .. Come Take a Ride .🏃🏃LAST DAY .. 50$ spec 👅💦 - 22
(Canoga Park 🌟Chatsworth🌟incalls only, San Fernando Valley)
~°MiXeD COLLeGe PaRTy GiRL ViSiTiNG ChatsWoRth fOr A shORt TiME¤~ [80SPECiALS] - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 118/ChatswORth Incalls)
1OO★☆ lAST dAY! lET'S UNWiNd...• ★1OO •☆•—((✰ WEll REViEWEd ✰))—in&OUT;★☆ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls/outcalls all over)
★☆ TAkE A RidE WiTh ME...• ★ •☆•—((✰ WEll REViEWEd ✰))—incalls★☆ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls/outcalls all over)
★ ★:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T-:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:-★ ★ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Incalls & Outcalls)
[✔] BIG BUTT-- [✔] BLONDE [✔] SATISFACTION [✔] Look NO Further!!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, **ChatsWorth** INcalls/Outcalls SFV)
__ Mulatto ♥ BUSTY 36DD ___ ♥ Incalls Now __ ♥specials ... Big Boobs - 23
(San Fernando Valley, mission hills incalls now baby 118fwy)
(((( NEW IN TOWN ))))) * 100% SUPERSexyy (- MixedHOTTIE -) * 80 Special !!! * - 19
(San Fernando Valley, ( chatsworth INCALLS ))
★☆ TAkE A RidE WiTh ME...• ★ •☆•—((✰ WEll REViEWEd ✰))—incalls★☆ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls/outcalls all over)
★.PeRky BloNDe HoTTie★.Y@uNg & T!ght ★1000% REAL ★Bubbly & Sweet W Great Reviews .★NaUGhTy & NeW - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Incalls/Outcalls*ViSiTiNG*)
💋MouTh So ViSCIOUS 💉💉Hips So DELiCIoUS .. Come Take a Ride .🏃🏃LAST DAY .. 50$ spec 👅💦 - 22
(Canoga Park 🌟Chatsworth🌟incalls only, San Fernando Valley)
~°MiXeD COLLeGe PaRTy GiRL ViSiTiNG ChatsWoRth fOr A shORt TiME¤~ [80SPECiALS] - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 118/ChatswORth Incalls)
💋 Hurry! Specials !!!! Armenian! VIDEO PROOF COME See 👀 HUGE Booty ★YoU WiLL ThAnK⇨{ME ♡⇨ LaTeR} - 24
(Chatsworth Incalls, San Fernando Valley)
💋💋 Hey Fellas Im Back $60 Exotic Bombshell 36DD 💋💋 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Incalls/outcalls)
🌟✨Come try🌟✨ the🌸 total 🌹girlfriend 👩package - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Discreet Incalls)
💄💢❤💢 (( ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS )) 💄💢❤💢 (( NeW N ToWn )) 💄💢❤💢 (( SEXY & SEDUCTIVE )) 💄💢❤ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls)
NEW☆*It'S PLaYTiMe GeNTLEMeN So Lovable & KISSABLE Super SEXY 100 SPECIALS★ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, ❤ CHATSWORTH INCALLS ❤)
~°MiXeD COLLeGe PaRTy GiRL ViSiTiNG ChatsWoRth fOr A ~ [80SPECiALS] - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 118/ChatswORth Incalls)
Thu 02 Jan
»-♥-» ► StuNNinG ----- KiNkY--- ((★ 100% REAL PICS ★)) B0MB$HLL - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hilss chatsworth incalls/ out)
✰ i'M BACK iN TOWN! ((COME PLAY WITH me...✰ )) • ★♥ • 1OO% ReAL PiCs • ★♥ IN&OUt; - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth incalls/outcalls)