Sat 11 Jan
Smokin HOT ! Busty, Blonde, German Born Bombshell ! Awesome Reviews & A Killer Rack ! - 39
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City or Out To You 310.484.6586)
Up 👆Now ‼ 💌C U M SEE ME💌 👠👑 ALL You'll Ever Need 👑👠 80qk💙🎀💌 (No Rush) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Winnekka,canoga park,Northridge,van nuys)
~★~❤️❤️ Kelly College Kitten *ೋ* Passionate *ೋ* Sexxy ❤️❤️~★~ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, My Place or Yours)
Tired 🙋of 🚼🚺🚻your❌ 👪wife❓and kids 💯% me come try me 🆘something different‼️‼️♋️PAULINA‼️ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood)
- Anushka from Poland ** Natural Beauty Girl - - 27
(Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Valley Village/ Los Angeles, Westside)
= = = AVAiLABLE NoW in THE VALLEY! = = = Your Ultimate Curvy Busty Blonde Addiction!
(My place or yours...)
Fri 10 Jan
S__M__ O__K__I__ N_!!!_H__ O __T_T*__ {OnE_Of_a_KiND} * { CuTe _Young_GiRL} - 21
(van nuys ( my place or yours ))
_____ LILLY OF THE VALLEY________ 8.o/Nalgona - 25
(San Fernando Valley, northridge/incall&outcalls;)
🎀Come Play With Me! 🎀TIGHT💌💕🎀 Beautiful Blonde💣💯🎀ALL We TT 👠 ( 80qk)💙 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park,sfv ,sanGabriel valley,LA,OC)
⭐️❤️⭐️AVAILABLE NOW•100% Real! Youngest&Hottest; College Girl Next Door Gizel ⭐️❤️⭐️ - 19
(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, San Fernando Valley)
ADULT STAR **Smokie Flame** Wants To Make An Video With You!! 14th-17th - 25
(Woodland Hills, Woodland Hills (Ventura/Winnetka))
100%REAL Mixed DOMINICAN ✨🌺Pure SasTisFaCtiON👅💦GUARANTEED ☎️ Call NOW❣❣❣ - 21
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Westside)
120Hh200h Sexy OUTCALL all natural Young Exotic PrINCESS*** my place or yours - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks encino, reseda, calabasas)
° o ☎ o° GoRgEoUs ° o ☎ o° SeXy ° o ☎ o°EbOny MiXed ° o - KnOcKoUt° o ☎ - 20
NORTHHOLLYWOOD ~~? S °__° E °__° X °__° Y ?~ NyMpHO - 19
🌹🇩🇴🌹🇩🇴🌹DOMINICAN Bombshell🌹🇩🇴🌹🇩🇴🌹🇩🇴🌹Ask abt. SPECIAL - 21
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
818.395.5281** My Place or YouRs? ** ThE ExoTic,Fun,and Freaky Party GirL -- Up all NiTe !!! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge/Chatworth My Place or Yours?)
⭐️❤️⭐️100% Real! Sexy & Young Exotic Bombshell Lacy ⭐️❤️⭐️ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
=== TiGHT PeRKy BoMBSHeLL === SeXxXy PeTiTe ViXeN === AmAZiNg PoRN SKiLLs! - 20
(glendale / pasadena I/C)
█ ———▃ ▆ █ ♡ HOT ______ BuStY ______ PERSiAN ♡ █ ▆ ▃ ———█ 818-219-4801 My Place Or Yours? - 23
(San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood incall or your place...)
Ms BRANDI 💥 80 ( 20 min) NEW YR SPECIAL 💦💦 34 D 👅 FrenCh & Spanish 160 HR 🌹👅🌹 - 21
(Garden Grove, Irvine, Long Beach, Orange County, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Westminster 405/22 Fwy Upscale)
_____ LILLY OF THE VALLEY________ 8.o GusHER ShOwS 2day - 25
(San Fernando Valley, northridge/incall&outcalls;)
120Hh200h all natural Seductive Young Exotic PrINCESS*** my place or yours - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks encino, reseda, calabasas)
$120 special Model Sindy Rose Great rates ! Excellent session! New Pics ! Great Service Reviews - 22
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys my place or yours)
Thu 09 Jan
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯)The SECRET to a good marriage (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) - 23
(San Fernando Valley, °♥° My Place Or Yours °♥°)
██ ‼️💋♥️💋 CLASSY 💕 BRAiNS&Beauty..; ❌⭕️❌⭕️😘 Sexy&Thick; BOMBSHELL █💣👅💦💖😋💖█The BEST✔️ Come PLAY! 💋♥️💋‼️ ██ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks / Encino Incall)
1000% REAL Photos -:¦:- GORGEOUS-:¦:- BRUNETTE Bombshell -:¦:- Spunky INDEPEDENT Hottie - 22
(San Fernando Valley, My place or Yours)
You'll NeVa HaVe BetteR :) Just Dial ....8187950672 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/Shermn oak WoodHls in-outcall)
...❌⭕️ Your dirty , little secret... ❌⭕️ I wont tell ❌⭕️ 💯% Persian HoTTie ‼️‼️‼️‼️(818) 223-1680 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City.Sherman Oaks.Encino.WoodHls.)
▓▓❤▓▓ • • ►YoU'lL LoVe iT! $80hh ░—S E X Y —★ BLaCk / PaNaMaNiaN ___C U T I E___░ $180h _____▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, My Place Or Yours Baby!!!Anytime)
💕💜 Sherman oaks!! 😘😘😘 the BEST is leaving!!!💜💕 💜 VIDEO VERIFIED!!! 😍😘😘💕💜💋 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks, van nuys, Ventura)
👯2 girl special 👭 if you can handle it 💋♨Smoking Hot 💋 ♨Sexy beauty💋♨In/outcalls tonight💋♨ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hills / Your Kitchen Counter)
Young & Sexy! I'm a S U R E Win Hot all R E A L Party Girl! - 26
(San Fernando Valley, ❤ my place or yours)
** . (818)2191967... MMM,,, COmE AnD GeT iT - ExOtic GreeN Eyes - 36 "DD" - 80 /160- SpeCiaLs! . - 27
(San Fernando Valley, Vanuys-WdHls-GrndaHls- in-outcall)
🎀👑 🌟 Treat Yourself/Dont Cheat Yourself!😘!💋 All You'll Ever Need.💙🎀💌80qk (No Rush) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park,northridge)
***** #1 Gentlemans Choice ***** Clean & Classy ***** Luxurious Beauty ***** Jamie Love ***** - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City My Place Or Yours)
💟💚💟 Cali Blonde hosting! 💟💚💟 - 24
(Cali ONLY please, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
_____ LILLY OF THE VALLEY________ 8.o/Nalgona - 25
(San Fernando Valley, northridge/incall&outcalls;)
⭐️❤️⭐️AVAILABLE NOW•100% Real! Youngest&Hottest; College Girl Next Door Gizel ⭐️❤️⭐️ - 19
(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, San Fernando Valley)
Wed 08 Jan
** ❤❤ CoMe N UnWraP yours now DaDDy ...❤ The PerfecT PersiaN Package ❤ (818)967-2095 --TrY mE * - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank/NoHo Border My PLaCe or yOuRs?)
New 💛🌷💛New Girl Next Door Gone Bad💛💛💛100% Real 💛💛💛♨💛♨💛♨💛♨💛- 36DDs ALL Natural💗💟 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Thousand Oaks💟My Place or Yours 💟💗💟)
%%%% Hot Sexy Submissive Spanish / Italian Girl Here For Fun -- Ready And Willing Just For You! %%%% - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank airport area)
2 Barbies Bikini Days 👙👗👜 ---- Playful Nights 💋 - 22
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood / Your Oasis, Westside)
WOW!You GOT to be KIDDING me!Ultra ebony Vixen MASSIVE soft 80RR RACK & MEGA HUGE Nipples!!
**NEW GIRL** for u** MIXED*"FANTASY"!!! the girl of your WET dreams! - 22
(Sherman Oaks*405fwy/IN*OUT/calls)
💋New GODESS In Town 👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆1000%Real pics - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, NoHo,Studio40)
I am a Gorgous White Exotic 100% female & I am so lonley and need someone to play nasty games with - 34
(San Fernando Valley)
specials**♥ツG o o d GIRL with N a u g h t y HABITS♥ツ♡ ++ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/ Van Nuys/Canoga park)
Sexy Sweet Thang Awaits Your Company *** *** *** ask about my sexy *** *** *** - 24
(San Fernando Valley)
******* One in a MILLION.... Gorgeous PETITE POLISHED Playmate.... OPEN MINDED!!!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, My place or Yours)
°*ஐ*°I ~GOT~what you WANT~Sexy °EXOTIC Brunette~ - 33
(San Fernando Valley, encino, tarzana, woodland hills)
—— ♥ —— [[ GORGEOUS ]] ♡ [[ BLONDE playmate ]] ——VISITING ♥ —— 12O SPECIALS - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita my place;) or YOURS !)
🎀👑 🌟 Treat Yourself/Dont Cheat Yourself!😘!💋 All You'll Ever Need.💙🎀💌80qk (No Rush) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park,northridge)
Morning WooD quick visit specials --- Exxxotic Mixxxed Hottie (818)538-4493 - 29
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City.Sherman Oaks.Encino.WoodHls.)
((((( !* Let's Get These Fireworks Popping !*!*!* Come Unleash The Mask 60 60 60 - 23
(North Hollywood)
⭐❤⭐ 100% Real! Youngest&Hottest; On Here! Asian Bombshell Lacey(visiting)⭐❤⭐ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
⭐️❤️⭐️ 100% Real! Youngest&Hottest; On Here! Bombshell Stacy(visiting)⭐️❤️⭐️ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
Tue 07 Jan
💝Party, Party, Party🎉🎉🎉 ~#1 CHOICE~ BLoNdE 👸 💗 BOMBSHELL💃 ((100% real pix) - - - 24
(San Fernando Valley, My place or yours)
*AwSoME:-#HoT+ PLaYmATe * TyPE * GoRgeOUS * HoT * BooTY*NeW In * ToWn - 38
(San Fernando Valley, STUDIO CITY, CA)