Wed 08 Jan
°o©°* (( ((=BIG=)) )) °o♥©° (( ((=BUBBLE=)) )) °♥©° (( ((=BOOTY=)) )) °o©° - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
• °o♥o°• Busty Blonde Bombshell... what more could you ask for?!? • °o♥o°• - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Studio City,NOHO)
°o♥o° N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOnS BlOnDE HOttIE °o♥o° #1 ChOiCe V.!!! - 19
•°o©•°* (( ((=BIG=)) )) °o♥•©•° (( ((=BUBBLE=)) )) °•♥•©•° (( ((=BOOTY=)) )) •°o©•° - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
NEW sweet&addicting; PETITE unrushed - 23
(Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Downtown, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, los Angeles and all over, Orange, Orange County, Palmdale, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Ana)
*《New》* Perfect♡ Petite♡ Seductress* ⬇⬇sneak peek⬇⬇ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ N 405 fwy Sepulveda Blvd)
New In Town Up All Night With Specials Call Me Let Me Take Your Mind Away From Stress 😘 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks)
👑NEW👑 Latinas baddest Puerto Rican baby (CALL NOW!!!!) 💦 ready to Please😜 - 20
(Westside, San Fernando Valley/Van nuys North hills)
(NEW) (¯`'+ ** I Am** + '´¯) (¯`'+ Absolutely + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ Incredible+ '´¯) (NEW) !!!just arrived!! - 21
^_^New In Town^_^Very Hot MiXxed BreEd^_^Friendly:-$ :-) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks burbank studio city woodlan)
Hot Blonde Bombshell - Gorgeous face - Petite body - incalls and outcalls - 19
(vannuys sherman oaks woodland hills)
Hot ..n' WILD ▒ Busty ..n' CURVY ▒ Naughty ..n' PLAYFUL ▒ Thick ..n' DELICIOUS
(Sherman Oaks ((Incalls/Outcalls)))
*°*°*°*Hot Orgasmic Lustful Encounters °*°*°* - 24
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando valley Los Angeles County)
HoT BOOTY LatiNa• SweeT TreaT° SedUcTive° FuN & SeXy •❤•1OO% ME (CLick HeRe) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, incall/outcalls)
BEAUTIFUL Moroccan Mixed Hottie with a C U R V Y body! Relax && Enjoy!!! - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana Incalls/Off 405/Outcalls)
**BEAUTIFUL NEW HOTTIE!!! (*Outcalls/Incalls*) ❤️💎👅 %100 REAL Pics***💖💚 WORTH THE CLICK! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth-Canoga-Reseda-ENTIRE VALLEY)
___(¯'+ BIG BOOTY +' ¯)___(¯`'+ BLONDE HOTTIE + '´¯)___(¯`'+ NEW PICTURES+ '´¯)___ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
~~~~60$$$ special!!! ~~~~~~ in/outcall !! Exotic petite n here to please you!!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sfv, orange county, Anaheim, LA)
😍💋👄120 Specials 😍💋👄120 Specials 😍 💋👄120 Specials In The Valley - 24
(Canogo Park Incalls / outcalls, San Fernando Valley)
✯100%RealBarbieDoll ✯Come Play With Me ✯Flirty&Fun; ✯Don'tMissOut✯ WeekEnd Specials!! - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 405, North Hills INCALL. SFV OUTCALLS)
* * 1OO Specials* * Sexy Petite Brunette Treat Just For You * * V I S I T I N G - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills Canoga Park Winnetka)
×X× *¨¨* DAZZLiNG *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* SEXY *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* KNOCKOUT *¨¨* ×X× - 21
(Los Angeles, Los Angeles/ Hollywood/SFV)
×X× SUPR FRAK¥ ×X× == ( 1st DAY IN TOWN ) = ×X× AMAZ!NG SK!LLS. ×X× - 21
(San Fernando Valley, (Van Nuys/Burbank/Studio City) Ins/Out)
-:¦:- XXX RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- BlOnDe PlayMatE - 24
(North Hollywood)
X0 put ME 0nthe TOP0f y0urt0 DO list XX - 22
(studio city incalls /outcalls)
×°x°× [×°x°× 8o ×°x°×] SPECIAL [×°x°× 8o ×°x°×]×°x°× - 20
(((4O5 frwy // 118 frwy)))
WHY WAIT ? Young & eager INCALL OUTCALL Always ready 21 petite & SWEET - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls SHERMAN OAKS outcalls ANYWHERE)
[×°x°× __ SUPER __ NAUGHTY__ ×°x°×] BLONDE [×°x°× __ JUICY __ ASS__ ×° x°×] - 24
(Incalls & Outcalls)
Sexy Busty& Curvy Ebony playmate-Incall 70/100/180 & Outcalls - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks incall/outs 24hr.)
! Santa's Lil Helper the Naugtiest Lil Latina Hottie !......... SPECIALS - 18
---(¯`´¯)---» *°S W E E T *° E X o T i C °*T R e a T» (¯`´¯) $100 Specials - 21
S T U N N I N G ____________ ௵ _v e r i f i e d_ ௵ _ ___________B O M B S H E LL - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls and Outcalls. Glendale)
____ *!* SDUCT!V *!*____ *!* BLOND *!*____ *!* BIG BOOTY *!* ____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
🌟NEW ARRIVAL🌟 Sweet & Tasty EBONY GODDESS 🍉🍓💦 Ready To Fulfill Your Needs!! 100% ME !☎CALL ME NOW - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge)
(San Fernando Valley, Upscale Van Nuys incalls/ Outcalls)
New Explosive Skilled Latina Dream Girl Incalls&Out; Upscale 24/7 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga,Park,Northridge,ChatsworthVanNuys)
NAuGHTy ✨😈 SliMthicK 100% Reaal 🌴🌴 💕bEAUTy ✨MOUTHWATERING LiPSERVICE 💋👄 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hills outcalls avail.)
I DOoooo IT Alll. $80 incall special. Until midnight - 21
(Orange County, Anaheim Incalls & Outcalls)
:-* HuRrY cOmE sEe & EnJoY tHe SpEcIaLs I hAvE fOr YoU :-* - 69
(San Fernando Valley, INCALLS & OUTCALLS Everywhere)
I may not be perfect, but at least IM NOT FAKE !!!! - 45
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Sylmar, Sunland, San Fernando Valley)
▃▃▃I MAKE ▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ 💛 ✘ℴ THEM▐▐▐ ALL LOOK▐ LIKE▐TRASH ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ 💚 ✘ℴ ▃▃VIDe0 PROOF 🎥 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, SFV Incalls and Outcalls)
*-:¦:-* E X O T I C *-:¦:-* REDHEAD *-:¦:-* AvAiLaBlE NoW-:¦:- {{100% PuRe PlEaSuRe}}
(405 & Bristol)
♥ ______ (( GORGEOUS )) ______ (( BLONDE )) _____ (( BARBiiE )) _______ ♥ - 24
(Incalls And Outcalls)
$80 SPECIAL!! PURE♡ ♡ FREAKY ♡ chocolate ebony! UPSCALE & DISCREET LOCATION!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale 134/Central Ave)
💥STUNNING Young Gorgeous Brunette! KILLER CURVES! 💋💦 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, woodland hills incalls 818 outcalls)
:== S:O:F:T :: SLOW :: L:U:S:H :: LIPS :: satisfaction ==: - 19
*~ $pecials * $pecials * $pecials * $pecial$ ~* - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls on 405&Roscoe-Outcalls; all over)
80 S P E C I A L S =•••► ••exOtic••S E X Y •• (( CURVY ( BRUNETTE ) PlaYmAtE( LAST NiGHT In ToWN - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Encino iNcaLLs.....OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE)
🌹 ✨ 80$ Special!! ✨🌹 Your Ebony Queen💋💋 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills~Sherman Oaks~Studio City)
V I P u p s c a l e B U S T Y B R U N E T T E h o u r g l a s s S W E E T H E A R T - 28
(San Fernando Valley, incall / outcall)
. ~~ .. ~~ .. ~~ ..... ......... ...... TrUe NaTuRaL beAuTy .... ....... ...... ~~ .. ~~ .. ~~ - 25
(incalls/outcalls - valley areas (VN))
* * * U P S C A L E ★ █ BLONDE BUSTY BEAUTY █ ★ 1oo % Reals Pics * * * - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls & Outcalls)
🌟💋💋treat yourself to an exotic mixed beauty, let me spoil you with pure pleasure💋💋🌟 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sfv, van nuys)
(AVAILABLE NOW **incalls + outcalls)
outcalls 310 912-8138 persian and egyptian mix my name is red %100 real photo's - 19
(San Fernando Valley, lax airport call me 310 912-8138 red)
ChOcOlAte LaSt NiGhT iN ToWn ~~~ AFtErNOOn SpECialS $$$$ - 18
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills/Canoga Park)
😍B L O N D E Nor Cal Beauty😋Incall Specials Available NOW! - 23
(NORTHRIDGE Incalls/ Outcalls, San Fernando Valley)
°o♥o° N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOnS BlOnDE HOttIE °o♥o° #1 ChOiCe V.!!! - 19
- - - O N L Y - - - T H E - - - B E S T - - - A U D R E Y - - - College Beauty with an Amazing Body! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City Incalls//Outcalls)
NÄUGHTY¡¡ HOTT¡€ * ——— * EBØNY ÄDD¡©T¡ØN * ——— *¡M €V€RYTH¡NG UR LØØK¡NG 4* (80HHR S P E © ¡ A L S - 22
(Palm Springs, Upscale INCalls & OutCalls Anywhere)
*¨¨* *°o☆ eXOtiC b0mbsheLL ;; xXcluSive iNCALLS &OUTCALLS; 24/7 specials *¨¨* *°o☆ - 21
(van nuys reseda north hills)
::×oTiC :: [S]MoKi[N] *HoT* \v/iXEN ______1 o O_ IN&OuTCaLLS; ALL CiTiES °°818°967 °81o3°° - 22
(STUDio CiTy ::♥:: IN&0UTCALLS)
100% °BoMb$hELL°* ©*SeXY, $eductiVe,°©eBoNy° PlAymaTE* °951»322»9203* - 23
(San Fernando Valley, ALL°OF°818°INCALLS/OUTCALLS* AVAIL. NOW)
—————❤ ————— # 1 ————— ——— CURvY PasSiONATe LATINa —————— ——— READY NOW ————— ❤ ————— 1OO% ME! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, InCALLS & OUTCALLS in Sherman Oaks)
o°♥°o 1 CALL AWAY & READY 2 PLAY o°♥°o $80 SPECIAL! o°♥°o - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS (incalls & outcalls) 24/7)
❤❤**FriDaYY SpeCiaL**TheSe 2 LaTinAs Do It BeSt CAll Now**💋** 60 SpeCiaL** - 22
(Mission Hills, NorthHills 405/118)
👅😘Come Play With Me I'm Alone🌹🎀 - 20
(Hollywood, Hollywood Glendale sfv studio city, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
💋💋 Incalls & Outcalls! NEW in Town, THICK Mixed Latina Bombshell; AVAILABLE Now!💦💋💰😏 - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge, Hollywood, Sherman Oaks)
👄💋💕 💎 💎 Lίmίτεd Edίτίoη ★ 100% REAL💎💎【 F¡√ε ★ 】 💎💎【 SεXXy ρℓαγmα†ε 】💎 👄💕💎 60Specials!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank (Airport) 5 fwy)
—— ♥ —— [[ GORGEOUS ]] ♡ [[ BLONDE playmate ]] ——VISITING ♥ —— 12O SPECIALS - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita my place;) or YOURS !)
Incalls & OUTCALLS available ,SEXY EBONY vixen 7025187415 - 19
(San Fernando Valley, SF valley , mission hills Burbank)
👄Lets DO what SHE WONT LET YOU👄██ BEAUTY███ ‼️████Imagine YOU & ME👄[INCALLS & OUTCALLS everywhere] - 22
🌟💋💋treat yourself to an exotic mixed beauty, let me spoil you with pure pleasure💋💋🌟 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sfv, van nuys)
[U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] TIME SpeCiaLs UP LATE ReAL PICS In/OutCaLL SpeCiaL - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank off 5 fwy specials in out calls)
.·°¯`✿´¯ MY BoDy IS CraViNG ATTeNTioN ✿ CoMe TeNd To THiS PeTiTe BLOND ¯`✿´¯°·. - 21
(Studio City Incalls/Outcalls)
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls and Outcalls)
LEAVING TODAY!! 💞💋THiCK THiGHS💋💞SOFT Booty💞💋 skilled LIPS💥tightGRIPS 💣💯αℓℓ N¡†ε💣 👉δl!PPeRYδωεε†👅 ! - - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sylmar INCALLS AND OUTCALLS 24/7)