Fri 03 Jan
💋Naughty Lil Snow Bunny 💋*Up All Night* - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks studiocity INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
Ms Fruits 🍇🍓🍒 sexy Mexican & black hottie new to the area ready to play late night! SPECIALS! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sylmar,Van nuys,Northridge,Santa clarita)
✿ ✿ Morning Specials ✿ HOT BLONDE PLAYMATE ✿ ✿ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS 101 FWY / 405 FWY)
💋💕👑Fun Exotic Playful Open Minded Beauty Ready For You👑💕💋 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman 💖 Oaks 💖 Incalls 💖 Outcalls)
____ *G o R G e O u S * ___ * S e D u C T i V e * ___ * B l O n D e* ____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) *HOTT* (( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) (( *BiG BooTY* )) - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
💕 FuN & SeXy ! Smokin HoT PuErTo RiCaN🔥 Juicy BOoTy 💕 ♡PINK & jUiCY!♡ ★SK¡LL€D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks 101/405 Fwy 4087706314)
★— B u S T y—★ill brighten your week ★ — SeXY —★BACK IN YOUR AREA - 19
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks (Incalls & outcalls))
👍#1 Cho¡cε 👅 X-Rα†εd Ho††¡ε 🔥 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋╚» SexY BLoNde ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 💋 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, sfv outcalls no incalls ..)
100 dollar special/san fernando valley/Canoga Park - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga park incalls/ all san fernando iu)
100$ Incall Specials Disneyland! HORNY HOTTIE party friendly! - 22
(Anaheim, Anaheim/Disneyland Incalls & Outcalls)
100% °BoMb$hELL°* ©*SeXY, $eductiVe,°©eBoNy° PlAymaTE* °951»322»9203* - 23
(San Fernando Valley, ALL°OF°818°INCALLS/OUTCALLS* AVAIL. NOW)
Your Perfect Provider April Available Now $100 805 455 9079 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Valley Sherman Oaks)
★ ☆ Your petite LATINA-MIXED treat is available in SCV! Outcalls to SFV! ★ ☆ - 22
(Studio City, Valencia/Santa Clarita/SFV)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» »-(¯`v´¯)-» AvAiLaBlE NoW :: 100% iNDePenDEnT :: SEXY BLONDE! »-(¯`v´¯)-» »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls and Outcalls)
V I P u p s c a l e B U S T Y B R U N E T T E h o u r g l a s s S W E E T H E A R T - 28
(San Fernando Valley, incall / outcall)
Sexy and Waiting on Ur Call ~*~ $100 Specials!!! ~*~ Quit Settling For Less When U Could the Best - 24
╚» *SEXY* _ XOTiC : ♥ _ SPECiALS _100% REAL _ _ aVaiLaBLe NoW «╝ - - 28
Report Ad••==•• Incalls& Outcalls ••==•• Sexy& Seductive ••==•• Freaky& Fun ••==•• - 19
(San Fernando Valley, N.Hollywood/Sherman Oaks/Woodland Hills)
*S E X I E S T ****** FRESH oFF THEE PaGES oF P L A Y B O Y ***__ FeTishEs __*** GFE ! - 24
(Studio City Incalls/OutCalls)
Outcalls Are Encouraged And Incalls Are Welcomed With Ciarra Mist Busty Blonde New To La Today - 32
(Burbank Blvd)
P E T I T E & S W E E T *** Darling Little Red *** G O R G E O U S B E A U T Y - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City Incalls and Outcalls)
💕Outcall sexy Panamanian available now come see me💕 - 21
(Burbank,studio city, Glendale, San Fernando Valley)
Outcall Specials $150/hr LET ME MAKE YOUR WILDEST DREAMS ♥ COME TRUE $70/incall ♥ - 21
(N Hollywood, Studio City, SFV, Burbank)
OUT OF THE COUNTRY BACK SOON!!E🌼🎨🌼(GORGEOUS🎨 Spanish BeautyY w COke BOttle BOd)))🎨 - 24
(Downey/Cerritos/Lakewood/pico/Whittier, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
NEW Hottie💞INCALLS💋💞 100% Real & Safe 💋💞💋 Very Erotic Sessions💕424-221-215💕 OUTCALLS💋💞 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks,Studio City,Encino,tarzana)
✨💋✨ NEW & VISITING! Hot & SEDUCTIVE Latina ready to play!!! ✨💋✨ - 23
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Ventura, Ventura (incall & outcall))
≛→ ØN€ Dا€ YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D [B€§† CH♥iC€] •GØRG€ØU§ & €xOT¡C B¡G BØØTY V¡X€N≛ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, sanfernandovalley incalls/outcalls)
[★] - LOVELY [★] BLONDE [★] PLAY MATE [★] - 80 incalls Chatsworth - 23
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth 118 fwy in-out calls)
KiNkY SExY YOuNg Tight Wett & REaDy To RoCk YOuR WOrld!! A mUsT sEE!! - 18
(Studio City Incall/Outcall)
INCALLS /OUTCALLS🌟💦👄💦🌟 👄💋💦🌟 👡 🌟💦💋💦🌟Jess❤💦👄💔💦 - - 20
(reseda,burbank,North Hollywood,Van nuys,, San Fernando Valley)
HeRe'S WhAt U REALLY WaNt !Kinky Sexy sWeet Wett YoUnG NiCen' TiGhT!! - 18
(Studio City Incalls/Outcalls)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) *HOTT* (( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) (( *BiG BooTY* )) - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
** FreAky Asian & Japanese ready to have fun tonight last night in town - 23
(Beverly Hills, Sepulveda blvd, la)
*:.♥ :*¨:ExOtiC FeaTuREs CuRvaCeOuS CuTi3 1OO% Me Or Its Free*:.♥ :*¨: - 22
(Disney Way Incalls&Outcalls;)
Cute Little Autumn is BACK!!! incall and outcalls ALL NIGHT! READY NOW :) - 21
(San Fernando Valley, sfv sherman oaks)
»-♥-» DaNGERoUSLY ______ ★°. Addictive .°★Asian ______ Beauty »-♥-» - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Studio city incalls & outcalls)
★ Crave GROWN & SEXY? ★ Want EXCEPTIONAL Service? ★ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, sfv 24hr incalls/outcalls)
Available 24hrs*College Girl~ Independent * ~100 Holiday~ $pecials * - 25
(San Fernando Valley, INCALLS OUTCALLS/ northhollywood)
B __R __ E__A __T__H__T__A __K__ I __N__G__ .*¨¨*-:¦:-* - 21
(118 fwy sepulveda(incalls&outcalls;)
**_bAcK By pOpuLar DemAnD** SeXxY laTiNa ViSsiTinG oNLy**_dNt MisS oUt** - 23
°°* >>-(¯`v ´¯)->> ___ ( ( SEXY ) ) ___ ( ( FUN ) ) ___ ( ( BLONDE ) ) ___
(Incalls and Outcalls)
-:¦:-_(¯` ♥ ´¯) _-:¦:-___ GORGEOUS ___ EXOTIC ___ BLONDE ___ -:¦:-_ (¯` ♥ ´¯)_-:¦:- - 24
(Incalls and Outcalls)
♥ !NeW BLONDE BaRbiE ____ _____ GiRL NeXt D00R TyPe ____ ___ 100% ReAL! ♥ - 21
(SFV INcalls & Outcalls!)
__________ █ ♥ PReTTy BLue eYeD BLoNDe PRiNCeSS ♥ █ __________ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, *___i n c a l l s___c a l a b a s a s__*)
-:¦:-_(¯` ♥ ´¯) _-:¦:-___ BEAUTIFUL ___ EXOTIC ___ BLONDE ___ -:¦:-_ (¯` ♥ ´¯)_-:¦:- - 24
🎀💕🎀 818•219•Nine 22 Nine 80QuiCk! $100hh 100% INDEPEDENT! SEXY FUN PeRSian CUtie ;) sPECiaLs!! 💚 !! - 22
(Mission Hills, Chatsworth 101 405 118)
40/60/80/140 Spec▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ SEXY ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ Mixed Beauty♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ INCALL ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ AMAZING SPECIALS - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank Incalls & Outcalls)
2Girls *•:.•★▄★•:.• Love... 2 PARTY *•:.•★▄★•:.• AND PLAY!! MMmmm...100%Real - 19
(San Fernando Valley, INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
2xFUN👯✨MUST SEE✨Curvy DOMiNiCaN bOmbshellS 💋 Ultimate FantaSyy GirL 💦EXPERIENCED👌🏻💯 REAL 📸 Fetish💦 - 21
(110/105/91 {Gardena} LAX Incalls/Outs ✈️, Carson, Fullerton, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
🎀🎉👑100% Real ✔㏂ & ✔㏘ 💋INCALLS & OUTCALLS 👑✈ Your #❶ Choice 💅 READY 2 PLAY!🍦 👙 👑 - 22
(Glendale, San Fernando Valley)
1_O_O____ SPECIALS _____ ((AVAILABLE ALL NIGHT)) ______ * * #1 CHOICE * * ________ w4m - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks Upscale Incall)
* VAN NUYS BABY! *} ========= ExOtiC { LaTiNa MiX * }} HoTTiE ====== 1oo% ReAL - 22 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, 24/7 Incalls &Outcalls;)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» »-(¯`v´¯)-» AvAiLaBlE NoW :: 100% iNDePenDEnT :: SEXY BLONDE! »-(¯`v´¯)-» »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
{{ V.I.P TReATMeNT }}----*C U R V A C E o U S* *SMoKIN HoTT* ASIAN/mex/EBONY mixed PLAyMATE - 21
(San Fernando Valley, burbank incalls/outcalls)
💋New Hottie Let's Meet!! 😘👍New Pics!!👀💋😜 - 22
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles /everywhere, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
★ ☆ Your petite LATINA-MIXED treat is available in SCV! Outcalls to SFV! ★ ☆ - 22
(Studio City, Valencia/Santa Clarita/SFV)
X0 put ME 0nthe TOP0f y0urt0 DO list XX - 22
(studio city incalls /outcalls)
xoxo~~THICK BIG BUST SEXY SPANISH GOODDESS resdy to take care of ur needs~~ oxox - 24
(San Fernando Valley, ★SFV INCALLS/OUTCALLS★)
×X× SUPR FRAK¥ ×X× == ( 2ed DAY IN TOWN ) === ×X× AMAZ!NG SK!LLS ×X× - 21
(San Fernando Valley, (Van Nuys/Studio City/ No. Ho) Ins/outs)
$uGaR & $piCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.•'´¯) $P3C!@L$ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls Sherman Oak Outcalls all Svf)
?TR M?TÕUCH M ?FL M? ** visiting ** - 21
(WOODLAND HILLS incalls + outcalls)
tOP noTch blOnDe GLamOUR ChiCK avaliabLe Late niGhT (incalls & oUTcalls) - 18
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando thru orange county)
Treat Yourself Don't Cheat Yourself... 2 girl Specials - 21
(Van Nuys, Chatsworth Incalls & Outcalls)
Sassy Saturday *** Get Loose & Get Wild*** And Some.... Unrushed and Very Discreet - 40
T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o ° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! - - 21
(WOODLAND HILLS .... incalls = outcalls)