Thu 09 Jan
~%~ DeLiGhTfUl * PuErTa RiCaN * aNd * BlAcK cOlLeGe * StUdEnT ~%~ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, San Fer. Val.(In) & Sur. L.A. Area(Out))
❄️ Come warm up with me! - 29
(Beverly Hills, Hollywood, In/out too!, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
▀▀▀▀★ —$60 special — ★ ▀▀▀▀★Comfortable place★ No rush★ No worry★ AC - 21
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernandoi Valley, studio city/Sherm)
Mainstream Film Company Launching Adult Film Division - looking for Amateur Mature Busty Women for F - 46
(Los Angeles)
★————————— ★ ——————————!!!! **** SUPER* ❤* ❤ * SEXY *❤ * ❤ * HOT **** !!!! —————————— ★ - 28
(San Fernando Valley, IN CALL / OUT CALL)
💋 Sinfully SEXY 🔹•🔹OHHH! The Things I Can Do To You!! 💋 Highly Reviewed - 31
(San Fernando Valley, Winnetka/ Canoga Park In&Out;)
A freak to the core when all the other girls are a bore. - 38
(Downtown, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley)
80 special's INCALL NOW... Milwaukee Babe💋🔥🎉 Ms. Nina 262-598-4493 - 30
(San Fernando Valley, Mission Hills 118fwy)
A Real Barbie Doll Come To Life ! If These Pics Are Not Me, Then I'm 100% FREE ! - 39
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City In or Out 310.484.6586)
🎀👑 🌟 Treat Yourself/Dont Cheat Yourself!😘!💋 All You'll Ever Need.💙🎀💌80qk (No Rush) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park,northridge)
_____ * SWEET * __________ * SEXY * __________ * BLONDE * __________ * PLEASURE * - 20
(Hollywood/Nhollywood/studio city/SFV)
😍SUPER HOTT!! You can't miss this chick! MUST SEE!! (I speak Spanish)😍 - 20
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Simi valley Thousand Oaks in/out, Ventura)
BACK in TOWN 💢💨SMokin 💨Hot🔥💢💋BIG booty PlayMate💋Let's PlaY👄👠👙 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth in/ out calls)
♥ ☆ ♥ HOT 💝 SEXY 💝 SWEET 💝 SPECIAL ♥ ☆ ♥ 818-853-1138 Nikki - - 46
(San Fernando Valley, SFV-ENCINO)
1 O O% Real 💋• S T U N N I N G • BUSTy • cURVy 💜💋 TALL E X o T I C mixed Delight [αvαιℓabℓε NOW☆] - 25
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Sylmar, Santa Clarita IN/OUT)
1 - 0 - 0 % - ReaL PictureS ____ 1 - O - O - SpecialS ________ 1- 0 - 0 % - SatisfactioN - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAn NUyS iN/oUT)
P O R N Star, TYLA WYNN ! AVN & XRCO Award Winner ! ! My Personal Web Site: - 33
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, SFV)
★ GoReGoUs ★ bLoNde ★ PLaYmATe ★ ((ViSiTinG!!)) AvAiLaBLe NoW!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, RESEDAVAN NUYS& Surr. Areas(In/Out))
👷 Getting off work?? 👔 ⭐🚘 ¢um Get Off With ME!! 👯 ⭐🌃 Last Few Nights!!✈ ⭐📱Call for Specials!! - 27
(San Fernando Valley, ⬅Watch My Video! In & Out Calls!!)
NeW HeRe✨36 DD PiErCeD VeGaS DoLL💟 _ LiMiTED EdiTiON✨ __SM0kiN' HOTTt 🔥___T!GHT & BRAND NEW🎁 - - 25
(San Fernando Valley, STUDIO CITY/NORTH HOLLYWOOD (in/out))
~¤~¤~ Mixed Beauty With A Big Juicy Booty Visiting ~¤~¤~ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, In/Out SFV,VANNUYS, SHERMANOAKS,All Area)
╚» ♥KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆EbONY! )) *1OO% Real Pics!!! Call Now - 22
(San Fernando Valley, (Studio City) In && Out)
Gentlemen, It Really Can't Get Any Better Then This ! ( o ) ( o ) BEST Set Here ! - 39
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City Pvt Apt In & Out)
HOT SEXY PETITE Brunette AvailaBLeNOW ! ! ! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, STUDIO CITY/IN/OUT)
ONLY $35 ~ NEW Staff of 1O Petite Asian & Latina Hotties - FULL Body - OPEN LATE !! - 21
(Orange County, 13762 Newport Ave, Tustin)
🌟 PORNSTAR🌟👑 Queen Vivi your Devine Passionate Pleasure😘❤️ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills Winnetka Granada Hills)
#❶ ♡ ß u s t y []☆Haitian Chick !!! Hot New Pics !!I ☆ $60 Special ☆ All nite 'til sunlight !!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, 134/ 5/ Noho Burbank Glendale( In & out))
ULTIMATE PASSION - NEW BOOBIES First Class & The Best! TINY PETITE WAIST - Soft & Delicate Kiss - 21
(SF Valley)
⏰💣TimeBomb 💖NICKY💖💣⏰ Video Proof Its Me INSIDE💋Blue Eye Blonde Call Me💓 702*TWO ONE EIGHT*7871 - 28
(San Fernando Valley, IN CALLS & ANYWHERE OUT CALLS)
NeW 1OO% ME! LaTina ExOTiC SwEEt & TAstY! up all night - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys Sherman oaks encino in/out call)
NEW ASIAN🌺 1OO% Rεaℓ 🌺 ▬ 🌺THAILAND ßεαuty 🌺 ▬🌺 #1 Pℓαγmαtε*VISITING STUDIO CITY! Up Late. - 24
LEAVING soon! Sherman Oaks I'm here and ready NOW....Incalls and Outcalls - 20
lexie is new in town ready for new experience - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks ,van nuys n sorround areas)
** (( _________ ** LATINA ** __________ )) ** (( _________ PLAYMATE __________ )) - 19
(Studio City)
**{Avail.NOW} *°!100! {ReadY to PLAY} √ All Natural EBONY ¤¤ .°°.' COME SNEAK AWAY - 21
(San Fernando Valley, SFV/HollyWood/west L.A. IN/OUT avail.NOW)
*** AVAILABLE *** N.Y.M.P.H. G.O.D.D.E.S.S.*** A Sexy Hottie To Seductively Seduce You*** - 36
(San Fernando Valley, N HOLLYWOOD IN-CALL & OUT-CALL)
NEW ISABELLA ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ IS BACK! ▀▀▀▀▀JJ CUP VIXEN ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀HUGE ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ BIG ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀PHAT ▀▀▀▀▀ AZZ! - 21
🍭💗 ☆★💋 NEW BLONDE🍬🍭 Eye CANDy 🍭🍬ALL yoU neEd 💋💗 pLayFul & NaUgHty 💜💕‼️👉👉 💋 READ - - 23
(San Fernando Valley, studio city/nohollywood (in/out))
Im ALL you need on 2015 🎁Drop Dead Gorgeous Blonde🎉🎊 Super HOT Specials 🎁 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank /Sherman oaks in/out)
iim✈️NEW🎥👸🏾CoMPLeTe 📦📦 PACkAGe📦📦 SUPER 👍🏻📹❌💦💦👅📲THE official💎 REAL💎🔥╠╣OT 🎥🔥🍫🍫🍫 👛ebONY BOMbSheLL👛 💯REAL🙀P - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge Fashion👗Center iN🏩Out)
-:¦: I -:¦:- R -:¦:- R -:¦:- E -:¦:- S -:¦:- I -:¦:- S -:¦:- T -:¦:- I -:¦:- B -:¦:- L :¦:- E - 21
2 AVAiL NoW ◇ •º¤ 💋º• ŠP€ÇIÂLŠ•º¤💋 💋º•ŠP€ÇIÂLŠ•º¤💋 💋º• 《Š£XŸ》《€XOT1Ç》 《¥♡UNG》 CaLL NoW 📞 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills In-Outcalls thru out SFV)
100% Real Pics & Reliable💖 College Babe looking for someone great! OUTCALL SPECIALS💗 - 21
(Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Studio City, Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Enci)
》100%ReAl《Party Girl《☆SuP€r HoT LaTiNa☆T○p Do₩N☆ S[]○BB€r spcl - 22
(San Fernando Valley, 15 min away.... in call & out call)
Wed 08 Jan
This Petite Blondie Wants To Be Your Lifesaver All Day! - 25
(San Fernando Valley, studio city(in&out;))
🎉 The Perfect Package for YOU 💯💯🎁 Blonde Blue eyed bombshell busty sexy & sweet 💯🎁🎉🎊 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank /Sherman oaks in/out)
❣ •♡ ♥ ♡ TH E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C O M E ♡ ♥ ♡ P L A Y ♡ ♥ ♡•❣ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, --->> B u r b a n k *IN&OUT;*)
🌟🌟🌟 ReAL PLeASuRe 🌟 ————— 🌟 SPOIL YOURSELF 🌟—————🌟 JuIcY & CuRvY 🌟BuStY With A BoOTy 🌟🌟🌟 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS 405 Fwy in/out)
ExOTiC__ MiXed__G O R G E O U S ♥ H O T T I E ♥ __ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, iN Call in Burbank..Out Call Available..)
*EXoTiC_CuRv¥ RELAX_La¥-bacK_ *~* RAViSHInG_DOLL HoTeL oR HOme*~* FRiEnDL¥_and_ GENEROUS *~* *~* - 21
♥ DouBLe tHe PLeAsuRe ☆ YuMMy ** ♥ SeDuCtive BOMBsheLLS-- >>♥ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks / SFV / IN& OUT)
CURV¥ PRETT¥ DoLL_* S₩eeT *__*PeTiTe *__ *SenSUouS* __*LOnG* __LEAn __*SLENDER*__ $TUNNING!* - 21
(San Fernando Valley, *--{IN CALL}-[OUT]-{TRAVEL AVAILABLE}--*)
**{Avail.NOW} *°!100! {ReadY to PLAY} √ All Natural EBONY ¤¤ .°°.' COME SNEAK AWAY - 21
(San Fernando Valley, SFV/HollyWood/west L.A. IN/OUT avail.NOW)
~ೋ~ Amazin Blonde Latina Available Now 80 SPCS ~ೋ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Van Nuys Tarzana Encino)
¤~{>♡S€xY Ca£iforn!a BloNDe aMaZing CuRvES♡>}~¤ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, N. H o l l y w o o d (UPSCALE) In/Out..)
alloccasion. companion a real keeper incall 180 hr - 34
(San Fernando Valley, 101 and sepulved 91403)
100% REAL / REVIEWED [ToTaL pAcKaGe] booty lover delight! GoRgEoUs GeRmAn GaL! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, mission hills in/out)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job. THIS IS A MUST READ!! - 24
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Professional adult photographer for hire. I bring out the best in you - from headshots to hardcore - 39
(San Fernando Valley)
Feelin sick come here baby let nurse daisy take care of you - 18
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hills,Santa clarita,noho,sfv,av)
Young Delight. .. DanCeR %100ReAL... 18 - 18
(San Fernando Valley, 15 min away.... in call & out call)
***StuNniNg *** BUsty*** bLonDe*** BOmbSheLL *** The BEsT iN the VaLLEy ! - 39
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks IN & OUT)