Sat 11 Jan
ready to obey all commands fettish friendly (80hhr special) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, canoga,Chatsworth,reseeda,woodland hills)
🆙Outcalls& Incall Sp🎥4 LiMitEd Time👅🕖 Hurry 👑💦Earlybirld Speci🅰Ls 🆙🎆 Ready 🎥4 U B🅰BY 👅🎯 - 19
(Chatsworth Canoga Park , DE Sota Ave 10, Hollywood, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
🌹🌹 TaTtOoEd 🌹V1XEN🌹 LOoKiNG🌹fOr 🌹SOmEoNe🌹 TO🌹pLEaSe🌹🌹COmE 💎💎pLAy 💎wItH 💎 mE 💎🌹💎🌹 - 32
(Chatsworth, Woodland Hills,Canoga Park.., San Fernando Valley)
OUTCALLS!!! ÄŖÄB🌹 بقية جنسي🌹🔥🌹gðÐÐꧧ لعربية🌹(two 0 six) 472-8164🕛100/Qv🔥هة ال - 19
(Canoga Park/Northridge/Chatsworth surr., San Fernando Valley)
N_A_U_G_H_T_Y !!! _ H_O_T_T * __ ( One __ Of ___ a _ KiND ) __ ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth fwy 118 and canoga)
*LiMiTED TiME* __________ BLONDE BARBiE! __________ ~ PiNK & SWEET ~ __________ HOT SPECiALS! - 21
Back in Town! British Islander# Well Reviewed - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Porter Ranch/Canoga/ Reseda/Chatsworth)
💙Looking 4 Company ?? Gorgeous BBW Peruvian Amber Sweets💋Available Now 😘OUTCALLS IN SFV💋910-302-6920 - 28
(Canoga Park Woodland Hills Chatsworth, San Fernando Valley)
15m special s HH 100 💞COME dip In my 💋BUTTER💋💖 - 18
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park,Chatsworth,van nuys,)
Fri 10 Jan
Real‼️Beautiful Babe ALL DAY SPECIALS Your dream come true✔️ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga park woodland hills chatsworth)
💕⭐ 💓💯%ReAl 💕💕BEAUTIFUL🎀 Face💕CLASSY 🎀 BLONDE⭐ 100/140/200 Specials🎀 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park Chatsworth Woodland H Simi V)
EXOTIC BRUNETTE BUNNIE▒✘24/7 ✘▒█ █▒✘Gentlmen Only✘▒█ █▒✘CoME Now✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park, west hills, chatsworth,)
*****Cuban Round Booty Barbie $70 Special*****Canoga Park Incall - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park/Chatsworth/Woodland Hills)
🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ $💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨G🔥ҤØŦ_☜ & Ready ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ Baby 4U😘 - 23
(Canoga Park Chatsworth Northridge Tarzan, San Fernando Valley)
Star 18184768615 booty💋thick Legs💋soft lips💯💸 yes outcalls !! ❎call me papi💋🍫 - 24
(Northridge, chastworth, woodland hills, San Fernando Valley)
💜💚💙💛💗SMOkinG Hot GodDesS ClicK Here👆80 hhr - 23
(Reseda/Chatsworth/Northridge/Canoga Park, San Fernando Valley)
★ *¨¨*-:¦:-* SIMPLY SWEET *¨¨*-:¦:-* ★ TOP SPA - - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth/Reseda/Northridge/Canoga Park)
🌟One of A Kind 👑👑Here To 👉 Bl💭💭w Your Mind 🙌 60q Come Start Your wkEnd w/A BanG💣 - 21
(Canoga Park Desoto Chatsworth woodland h, San Fernando Valley)
New Sexy Petite treat ;) 60hhr Specials ❤❤❤ Open 24/7 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth northridge canoga park)
█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ ____ ( NEW MANAGEMENT ) ^__^ SWEET CUTIE ASIAN & LATINA GIRL _____ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, **Chatsworth, Canoga Park, Porter Ranch*)
╚» ☆ 12O -Outcall - Specials •×°X°× § € X ¡ € § T —————— I N M ¥ —————— C ¡ † ¥ ×°X°×* - 25
(San Fernando Valley, northridge/chatsworth/canoga park)
*^*^*^SWEET girl THAT needs $UPPORT^*^*^* - 20
***** T.G.I.F SPECIALS **** 60ROSE special (((((( 60 rose SPECIAL ))))))) - 23
(San Fernando Valley, CHATSWORTH incall specials/canoga)
♥SaturDaY Mornin WooD ♥ - 80 - Special :) ... (310)8186304 :) -- 36 D Persian Princess ♥ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth/Canoga Pk - My Place)
▒█ __ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █▒█ _ P E T I T E _ █▒█ _ A S I A N_ █▒█ __L A T I N A_ █▒█ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth / Canoga Park / Topanga)
Russian 🐱Italian💄 mixed girl 💋just for u 🐰here for a couple👠 days only😘📲📩 - 23
(Canoga park chatsworth sylamar, San Fernando Valley)
🍌 i waNNa give u SuM💕Lets make FaNtAsIeS 🍒become REALITIES🍦🍨 818 863-0806 🍌Super Freak🍌 - 21
(Chatsworth Canoga West hills Northridge, San Fernando Valley)
{{Early Bird 80spls }} ((SeXy SpAnIsH GiRl )) w/ {{ aMAZiN APpLE BoTToM & PerkY BOOBS }} - 22
(San Fernando Valley, ((118 Exit Desoto Chatsworth Canoga ,)))
█▬♥ █ 80 120 180 SPECiALS♥▀█▀ █ SEXY BrUnNeTtE PLAYMATE █ ♥ █ - 21
———— ◆ █ ◆ █ ———— ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄ 5 * STAR Treatment ———— EAST SKIN CARE ———— ❤ ▄ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth/Granada/Northrige/Canoga Park)
______ @@@@ 60 roses for PLEASURE!!! _____ @@@@ 60 roses for PLEASURE!!! ____@@@@ LAsT NiGhT In ToWn - 23
(San Fernando Valley, CHATSworth/ caNOgA - InCaLL)
(SFV)Hot₰ K¡ηkγ 🌸 δωεε†₰ ©υr√γ 🌸 δε∂υ©†¡√ε🌸 ηαυς╠╣†γ 🌸 ρℓαγmα†ε °🌸° - 20
(Canoga park van nuys chatsworth reseda s, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
6O 💘💖Thick 💦Busty DDD👠SEXually ... Seductive 👅💦TANTALiZingly 💕SWEET - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Reseda 📌canoga park 📌chatsworth)
💦 Upscale Latina · uℓtiℳαtε 💙 ρℓαγMαtεs •🌟 - 20
(Canoga park, Chatsworth, Sherman oaks, San Fernando Valley)
★ OmG ★ (( EyE CanDy )) ♥ (( 100% ReaL or FrEE )) 60 roses +_+ 100% ReaL or FRee - 23
(San Fernando Valley, upscale CHATSWorth/woodland hills/Canoga)
~The OnLy 1 You NeeD BelIevE ME!!!~ IN-CALL - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth, Canoga Park, Woodland Hills)
💦💦 New Blonde 💦💦 Specials 24/7 💦💦 Reviewed 💦💦 Fetish Friendly 💦💦 Text & Call - 22
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park, chatsworth, woodland hills)
★ (( 100% ReaL PicS or FrEE )) ♥ (( 100% ReaL PicS or FrEE )) @ 60 hugs SpEciaL ★ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, upscale CHatsworth/canoga/woodlanD Hills)
#1 CHOICE ✔516-726-0063✔߀§T K€PT §€CR€T✔OUTCALLS & INCALLS☆◆§¡NFU££¥ °▪♡▪° §€×¥ ೋ☆҉ ♛ 100% ITALIAN - 20
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park, chatsworth , beverly hills)
Thu 09 Jan
_█▒█ _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █▒█ _ P E T I T E _ █▒█ _ A S I A N_ █▒█ ___L A T I N A █▒█ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, **Chatsworth, Canoga Park, Porter Ranch*)
ready to obey all commands fettish friendly (80hhr special) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, canoga,Chatsworth,reseeda,woodland hills)
red head alert thick Cuban with a fat ass $50 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth Canoga park .northridge.)
Pink Little Kitty 💦💕 ____ BEST IN TOWN!!! ___ 💕💕 __ young & frisky __ 💕💕__ DON'T MISS ME ____💕💦 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, ✨🍯🐝CANOGA PARK💕CHATSWORTH🐝🍯✨)
Exotic beauty with a tight cute kitty!!. - 26
(Canoga park,Chatsworth,Northridge,, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
💦100% ReAL💦Sweet🍯KinKy🍒Naughty 👯Mixed Døłł 💞PARTY GIRL🚙💨HuRRy💨🏃 Best oN tH£ płäNèT🌎 - 21
(Northridge Chatsworth Reseda Canoga Park, San Fernando Valley)
#1 CHOICE▬▬▬▬ 1OO% Rεaℓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬CANOGA PARK INCALLS AVAILABLE ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Upscale Brunette Beauty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park, Woodland Hills, Chatsworth,)
♥ ° New Russian Mixed Blonde W/ Amazing Skills & Spcs°° ♥ - - 23
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth woodland hills canoga incalls)
🍒Beautiful Sexy Blonde Bombshell In Town 🍒 �🍒 NEW IN TOWN🍒 🍒 - 21
%*80 :specials ((√ New Spanish Apple Bottom Hottie Just Arrived )) {{ Leaving Soon}} - 22
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth canoga northridge reseda)
*160$:-* »--(¯`v´¯)-» C E R T i F i E D *2* S A T i S F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» *160-*Specials 2girls - 21
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth devonshire and canoga)
100 special ((Exotic Sexy Italian!! Lets go for a Wild Ride... Saddle up Baby! Let Me Ride !! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, (chatsworth 118/canoga park))
Russian 🐱Italian💄 mixed girl 💋just for u 🐰here for a couple👠 days only😘📲📩 - 23
(Canoga park chatsworth sylamar, San Fernando Valley)
Real‼️Beautiful Babe ALL DAY SPECIALS Your dream come true✔️ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga park woodland hills chatsworth)
-now AVAILABLE Incall Only!!!!- Exotic BombShell Come&play; ;) - 21
NEW! [ DROP ] __ •❤• __ [ DEAD ] __ •❤• __ [ GORGEOUS ] __ •❤• __ [ CHOCOLATE ]!!!- - 20
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth/canoga park/woodland hills)
♥♥ SUPER SEXY APPLE BOTTOM ♥♥ 60*75*150 ♥ Lunchtime Special - 23
(San Fernando Valley, UPscale CHATSWORTH/canoga)
👉60 🌹 special👈 Skilled Lips & Tight Grips💦💋 Naughty 💦 BIG BOOTY🍑 Available Now 👍100 special - 20
(Canoga park, woodland hills, chatsworth, San Fernando Valley)
🌸🎀 [$8O SPECIAL] ★💕★★💕★ [New Pics 1OO% REAL] ★💕💕★ █[☆POQUITO ESPAÑOL☆]█ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, ❤️Canoga Park❤️Chatsworth ❤️)
🏆 Gita🍓 Sexy Punjabi Model! Available for HOUR OUTCALLS SESSIONS ONLY! Non Rushed! 220🌹Call Now! - 22
(Chatsworth, Canoga Park, Woodland Hills, San Fernando Valley)
💙Gorgeous BBW Peruvian Amber Sweets💋Available Now 😘 Come Relieve ur STRESS with ME 💋910-302-6920 - 28
(Canoga Park Woodland Hills Chatsworth, San Fernando Valley)
————————— ✦✦✦✦✦ ███████ ——GORGEOUS & VERY HOT—— ████████ ✦✦✦✦✦ —— ASIAN & LATINA —————— - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth, Canoga Park/818 - 886 - 1561)
█ ❤ █ Totally S E X Y 🎄 Santa Left You A PRESENT🎁 At My House! 🎄VERY Well Reviewed █ ❤ █ - 31
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park/ Woodland Hills/Chatsworth)
🌟One of A Kind 👑👑Here To 👉 Bl💭💭w Your Mind 🙌 60q Come Start Your wkEnd w/A BanG💣 - 21
(Canoga Park Desoto Chatsworth woodland h, San Fernando Valley)
#❶Nw xoTiC BauTy __♥__( SxY RdHAd )__♥ __InToXiCaTiNg PurToRiCaN - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Northridge Van Nuys Canoga)
👑🐝Exotic Bombshell 💕1000% Real & Reviewed ✋STOP Wasting Time🕓 With FAKE Pics😷🚫 - 22
(Glendale Burbank studio city Pasadena, San Fernando Valley)
IM BACK ★▒KiLLєR CuRvEs ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】⇨♡ ★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【UpSCaLE 】⇨ LaTiNa ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE Best - 21
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park, west hills, chatsworth,)
Wed 08 Jan
dOnt MisS oUt 😘😘 NeW giRL iN TOwn 😍😍 Spice Up yOur dAy 😋😋😋 - 20
(Chatsworth incall, Canoga Park, San Fernando Valley)
Alex in town to relieve your stress and make your night a night to remember - 23
(Chatsworth, Granada hills, canoga park, San Fernando Valley)
🐰80HhParty Girl 👸🐇👅Come Play in Some Snow🐇 🆕inTown✔ Big Butt 🐇 818 371 1847👅💦Super Freak 🐰 - 21
(Chatsworth Canoga Park Northridge, San Fernando Valley)
💋100% ME OR FREE💦💦💋The REAL Ashley! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth, Canoga Park, Woodland Hills,)
Caramel Ebony Perfection 420 :) - 23
(Chatsworth RESEDA Northridge CANOGA PARK, San Fernando Valley)
YOUNG ]══ ☆° ══[ YUMMY TREAT ]══ °☆ ══[ CANOGA PARK ]══☆°★iM THE 0NE YoU WANT★VaRiFiEd pLAyMaTe - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park, Northride, chatsworth 101)
❤Submissive Erotic Carmen Is Ready 2 Play❤ - 23
Slim-thick Thailand mix PLAYMATE Exotic Beauty! Dont Miss out!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hills, chatsworth, canoga park)
💞💨🌺 Skilled Lips👄💄👅💦 Thick Thighs 🍒🍬💞 Big Booty 🍑👀 Tight Juicy Freak😽💦💦💦80hh/160HR SPEACIALS* - 24
(101 CANOGA PARK - CHATSWORTH / SFV -118, San Fernando Valley)
██▒██✦██▒██ ██▒██✦██▒██ — — NEW ☆— — ██▒██✦██▒██ ██▒██✦██▒██ ★ ██▒██✦██▒██ NEW NEW - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga P/Chatsworth/Woodland H/Northridg)
🍌 i waNNa give u SuM💕Lets make FaNtAsIeS 🍒become REALITIES🍦🍨 951 536-8386🍌Super Freak🍌 - 21
(Chatsworth Canoga West hills Northridge, San Fernando Valley)
beautiful,sexy, soft Latina !!new amazing specials call me♡ - 20
(canoga park,101fw de soto,Topanga canyon, San Fernando Valley)
**BEAUTIFUL NEW HOTTIE!!! (*Outcalls/Incalls*) ❤️💎👅 %100 REAL Pics***💖💚 WORTH THE CLICK! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth-Canoga-Reseda-ENTIRE VALLEY)
Beautiful, sweet, urban AND exotic all in 1 :) come see me (real pics inside) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth/ Canoga Park/ Northridge)
19yr old ✨ curvy blonde💦💦 Available 24hrs - 19
(Canoga Park,Chatsworth,Reseda,Encino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
🐣🐰💐STunNinG MiXed BeAutY LAsT niGhT 4 SpRing BrEak fUn 👅🍆💦 - 24
(Canoga Park- Chatsworth- Woodland Hills, San Fernando Valley)
👑🐝Exotic Bombshell 💕1000% Real & Reviewed ✋STOP Wasting Time🕓 With FAKE Pics😷🚫 - 22
(Glendale Burbank studio city Pasadena, San Fernando Valley)
👠👑💄👜 ŚĔXŶ____ βŶ____ŃĂŤÚŔĔ 💋 💋 💋 ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_____ βŶ_____ ČĤŐĨČĔ* 👙👒👛👡 323 ♥ 907♥ 4772♥ - 30
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Canoga noho woodland hills)
** WoW ** (( NeW PicS )) ♥ (( New BootY )) @@ 60 roses *60 roses ★ NeW 2 Cali ★ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, upscale chatsworth/WOODLAND hills/canoga)
♥·.¸.·´¯*__ SeXxy CuRvy ♥ThiCk ● Busty & SkilleD Latina ♥-Hott&Ready; 60 - 27
(San Fernando Valley, SFV/Canoga Park/Chatsworth/Woodland Hill)
—————— * NEW * —————— * BUSTY * ————— * LATINA * —————— *MAGIC TOUCH * —————— - 23
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS AND VANOWEN 8189743278)
N0W A H0T BL0NDE♥ The Real Deal! DROP DEAD GORGEOUS* Green Eyed Blonde ♥ NEW 2 AREA - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Canoga Park Woodland Hills)
Laylas The Name Pleasures My Game😍😍 Better Than Her ☝ And Her 👇 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park/Chatsworth Incalls)
IM BACK ★▒KiLLєR CuRvEs ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】⇨♡ ★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【UpSCaLE 】⇨ LaTiNa ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE Best - 21
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park, west hills, chatsworth,)
70Sp **** Woodland Hills Bombshell ***** KinKy ((( Latina/Ebony ))) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Topanga blvd/Saticoy Woodland Hills)