Sun 26 Jan
💟asian❌latina*☪️818-284-7026*♠️bbbj🟪🟨🟦bbfs🌕1oo%real💝⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
♍️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️818-284-7026*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda best Asian)
♍️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️818-284-7026*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda best Asian)
♍️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️818-284-7026*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda best Asian)
☪️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️747-488-7790*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
☪️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️747-488-7790*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
☪️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️747-488-7790*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
☪️asian🌕latina*♠️☪️747-488-7790*♠️bbbj⚡️bbfs🌕1oo%real🌕⚡️new felling💥new type tight pussy 🔟college girls
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
🌸🍁latina&asian🎁🌸747-488-7790🌸👅💦bbbj*bbfs*kiss*b2b💦g.f.e⭕️⭕️1oo%real🌺new felling🔞new type tight
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
🌸🍁latina&asian🎁🌸818-284-7026🌸👅💦bbbj*bbfs*kiss*b2b💦g.f.e⭕️⭕️1oo%real🌺new felling🔞new type tight
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
🌸🍁latina&asian🎁🌸818-284-7026🌸👅💦bbbj*bbfs*kiss*b2b💦g.f.e⭕️⭕️1oo%real🌺new felling🔞new type tight
(N.Hollywood Reseda Encino VIP)
Sun 12 Jan
—█ ██ █ █ —818-836-7649— Weekly New Japanese girl —Limited : 1 Week only - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
Friday VIP 50 Special Until 9pm ONLY ~ Sexy Blonde - 27
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana/Reseda/Encino/Woodland Hills)
▬▐▐▐ ▬**✿✿✿✿✿**▬▐▐▐ ▬NEW GIRLS ***✿** NEW OPEN & 100 % Satisfaction GUARANTEE▬▐▐▐ ▬▬ ● ► ▬▬ ● ► - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana. Reseda. Encino. Woodland Hills)
Sat 11 Jan
★••••••• ★••••••• S ••••••• E ••••••• X •••••••Y ••••••• ★••••••• ★ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Encino Reseda Tarzana)
█ █ █HOT█ █ █►► TEMPTING ~ ASiAN _ DOLL 💕Mary 💕 ~ STARTING 3/13 ~~█ █ █HOT█ █ █ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Encino)
—█ ██ █ █ —818-836-7649— Weekly New CHINESE girl —Limited : 1 Week only - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
120Hh200h OUTCALL all natural Seductive Young Exotic PrINCESS*** - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks encino, reseda, calabasas)
S_U_P_E_R__ — *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* -—— _C_L_I_C_K— * H_E_R_E_* ——— 4———T_H_E———* B_E_S_T - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Reseda Tarzana Encino Sherman Oaks)
NEW🍭💗 ☆★💋 EXotic 🍬🍭Eye CANDy 🍭🍬ALL yoU neEd 💋💗 NaUght¥ & ®NEW - 24
(bel air,encino reseda westlake, San Fernando Valley)
█🌄█〓〓〓〓█ █► _ NEW _CHARMING _ ASiAN_ _ BEAUTY ✨-** Cherry** Just Arrived✨ ✨██🌄█〓〓〓〓 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Reseda)
►✿✿ ►✿ 6/14 - _ NEW _ ASiAN _Model ✨-** Amy** ✨ Sexy and Pretty ✨ ✿HOT✿ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Reseda)
—— ▐▐▐¯`'•.¸ 💗💓*💗💓*💗💓 ¸.•'´¯▐▐▐ — Perfect & Satisfying — ASIAN Body work— Grand Opening / New - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana. Reseda. Encino)
A tasty treat in your area Hablo Espanol Melissa Monroe - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Reseda Vally area)
🔴🔵🔴🔵 █▬▓▓ ✨3/31_NEW_ WILD _ASiAN ✨-** KiKi** ✨ Busty & Sexy ✨🔴🔵🔴🔵 █▬▓▓ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Reseda)
❤ HOT NEW PIX!!! ❤ Incall Specials ❤ Sexy Thick Blonde! ❤ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys 405 fwy 818 481 4294)
▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ Hiong Kong nice girl ——— 36 DD .. Amazing Body ! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ Asian girl , memorizing eyes and breath-taking lips - 21
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
—█ ██ █ █ —Asian Escort—█ ██ █ █ — New girls—█ ██ █ █ — your No❶ Choice ! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
—█ ██ █ █ —100% Satisfaction—█ ██ █ █ — 36 DD Hong Kong Nice girl—█ ██ █ █ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Encino / Reseda / Tarzana)
Fri 10 Jan
💎💖Young Curvy💎💖Sweet Latina 💖UpScale Massage/Location 💝💝 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, WoodlandHills/Sherman Oak/Encino/Reseda)
♥ Sm0kiN HoTT iTaLiAn & PerSIaN BaByD0LL (($100 SPECIALS)) #1 Ch0iCe ♥ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Encino reseda sherman oaks incall)
I'll come to you Burbank Glendale San Fernando Valley area outcalls only - 20
(Burbank Glendale, San Fernando Valley)
High Class... Tiny Toss her up Ebony Brown Sugar Delight Playmate - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park Reseda & Encino ShermanOaks)
█ █ █HOT█ █ █►► CHARMING ~ ASiAN _ BABE 💕MiMi 💕 ~ STARTING - 4/3 ~~█ █ █HOT█ █ █ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Encino)
1000% REAL ☆ * S_ I _ M_ P_ L _ Y * ______ * The *______ B _ E _ S _ T____ ☆ EXOTIC BEAUTY - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana Encino Reseda Sherman oaks)
120Hh200h Sexy OUTCALL all natural Young Exotic PrINCESS*** my place or yours - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks encino, reseda, calabasas)
▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Weekly New girl —" 818-836-7649" — Japanese Sweeite - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
❥▉❥▉❥▉❥▉❥ *- _ NEW _ - ASiAN - BABE ✨- ** Monica** Sexy and Lovely ✨ ------------------------ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Reseda)
—█ ██ █ █ —818-836-7649—█ ██ █ █ — Merry Christmas —Asian—█ ██ █ █ — Weekly New girl - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
——————— $80————— ❤ ————$100——— SPECIALS ♥ HERE!* ———$180———— ❤ ——————— ——————— - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana Encino Reseda Sherman oaks)
—█ ██ █ █ —818-836-7649— Weekly New Asian girl —Limited : 1 Week only - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
*-:¦:-* •• *TOp* •-:¦:-• *NOtCH* •-:¦:-•MIAMI •• *-:¦:-* *BLOnDe* VISITING - 21
(San Fernando Valley, encino sherman oaks reseda tarzana)
Tuesday VIP Special ~ 5O VIP Until 7pm ONLY ~ Blonde Beauty - 27
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana/Reseda/Encino/Woodland Hills)
N£w !! JUiiCyy LaTiN Fr£aK 💜💦💦 ⚠ 👅Sl¡PpP£ry×°○•●💦 ⚠ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, CanogaPrk/Reseda/WoodlandHills/Encino)
only avail TODAY/NIGHT 💚💚💚💚 GREEN*EYED GODDESS 💋💋💋💋💋💋 CReaMy sKin 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🌹🌹🌹🌹ALL NATURAL BEAUTY 💘💘👄👄 - 24
(Canoga park, 101, de Soto, Sherman way, San Fernando Valley)
👌#1 Choice👌1000 %REAL👌 SFV 👌 Exotic BRunETTE 👌 TEXT&CALL; 👌 2 Girl Specials - 20
(San Fernando Valley, northridge,canoga park w.hills)
High Class...Blue Eyes Playmate Sweetest & Fairest in the Land - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park Reseda Encino Sherman Oaks)
😙😙 WHATEVER you want, WE can provide!! Double your Trouble with Cherry and Tiffany ❤❤💋 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, *818* Van Nuys/Encino/Tarzana/Reseda)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➖➖🌺🌺▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊🌺🌺➖ Enjoy your Time with A Nice Sweet Asian girl▬▬➖➖🌺🌺▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊🌺🌺➖ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills. West Hills. Hidden Hills)
120Hh200h all natural Seductive Young Exotic PrINCESS*** my place or yours - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks encino, reseda, calabasas)
Thu 09 Jan
▬▐▐▐ ▬**✿✿✿✿✿**▬▐▐▐ ▬NEW GIRLS ***✿** NEW OPEN & 100 % Satisfaction GUARANTEE▬▐▐▐ ▬▬ ● ► ▬▬ ● ► - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana. Reseda. Encino. Woodland Hills)
N£w !! JUiiCyy LaTiN Fr£aK 💜💦💦 ⚠ 👅Sl¡PpP£ry×°○•●💦 ⚠ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, CanogaPrk/Reseda/WoodlandHills/Encino)
❤❤❤Hot and Sexy! Russian Dasha!❤❤❤ - 26
(Encino Sherman Oaks Reseda Tarzana, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
★ █ ★ Beautiful ★ █ ★ Ebony ★ █ ★SWEETHEART ★ █ ★ SPECIALS★ █ ★ 100%Me ★ █ ★outcalls only ★ █ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino woodland canoga reseda noho)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💖💖💖 ▬ 3 Nice Asian young girls 💖💖 Charming & Stunning / BEST CHOIE▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana. Reseda. Encino. Woodland Hills)
120Hh200h OUTCALL. Me or its free. all natural Seductive Young Exotic PrINCESS*** - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks encino, reseda, calabasas)
◆ █ ◆ █ ★ ▄ ♡ ▄ ♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ NEW _ ARRIVAL ✨ BUSTY ✨SEXY _ ASiAN ✨ THAi _ GiRL 💕Alice💕 ~◆ █ ◆ █ ★ ▄ ♡ ▄ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Encino)
🌟🌟🌟 ✨ New Arrival- 6/18 🌟🌟🌟 SEXY & YOUNG_🌟🌟🌟 ASiAN _✨ 💕ANNA💕 -🌟🌟🌟 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Encino)
•• ☆• ☆• ☆•SIMPLY • ☆THE • ☆• ☆HOTTEST•• ☆☆• BLONDE!• ☆• ☆• ☆•☆ • - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Encino Reseda Tarzana)
▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ Shanghai New girls—" 818-836-7649" —Asian girls Escort - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
100% reAL PICS•••►💎 _J_U_S_T ____ W_H_A_T ____ Y_O_U ____ N_E_E_D_💎◄•••💋 ebony barbie 💋 UPSCALE💎 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, canoga woodland hills reseda encino)
Friday VIP Special ~ 5O VIP Until 1pm ONLY ~ Blonde Beauty - 27
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana/Reseda/Encino/Woodland Hills)
★█ BeAUTiFUL ★Blonde █ GReeN EYED ★█ GoDDeSS - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Encino Sherman Oaks Tarzana Reseda)
Bbw,Booty,lips&,hips at your fingertips!!50roses - 38
(Encino,reseda,van nuys,, San Fernando Valley)
—█ ██ █ █ —818-836-7649— Your Asian sweet baby —Drive u crazy ! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
❤█▓▓██▓▓█❤ No❶ ▓▒░ STARTING - 5/11 _ NEW _ THAi_ _QUEEN ✨-** Cathy** Available✨ ✨██❤█▓▓██▓▓█❤ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Reseda)
😇 😈 🙌 Nobody Does It Better Than Me 😇 🎈💝 Curves💃👑👙💄Bonita 💎 PrinxessS 💌 GoddessS ❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜 BOOtY 💖💕💖💖💕 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge Encino Woodland Hills Reseda)
🌟 PORNSTAR🌟 💁💖Queen Vivi💎👑Exotic Goddess NEW in town👉👌 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, WoodlandHills Encino Tarzana Reseda)
▬▐▐▐ ▬**✿✿✿✿✿**▬▐▐▐ ▬NEW GIRLS ***✿** NEW OPEN & 100 % Satisfaction GUARANTEE▬▐▐▐ ▬▬ ● ► ▬▬ ● ► - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana. Reseda. Encino. Woodland Hills)
💎 New♨️Exotic💄 Playmate👅💦😋Come Play Wit My Sweet Treat❤🎀💄 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, 🏩Woodlandhills•Encino•Reseda•ShermanOaks)
Tuesday VIP Special ~ 5O VIP Until 7pm ONLY ~ Blonde Beauty - 27
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana/Reseda/Encino/Woodland Hills)
👑🐝Exotic Bombshell 💕1000% Real & Reviewed ✋STOP Wasting Time🕓 With FAKE Pics😷🚫 - 22
(Glendale Burbank studio city Pasadena, San Fernando Valley)
Wed 08 Jan
—█ ██ █ █ —Limited time only—█ ██ █ █ — 34 DD Hot girl from Thailand—█ ██ █ █ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Encino / Reseda / Tarzana)
♡♡ Curvy Mixed 38DD Bombshell♡♡ Specials ALL NIGHT..CALL NOW!! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, *818* Van Nuys/Encino/Tarzana/Reseda)
🌟Adult Film Actress🌟 💁💖The Vivica Johnson💎👑Exotic Goddess👉👌BEST CHOICE!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills Tarzana Encino Reseda)
(NO TATTOOS & VOLUPTIOUS) Sensual, Curvy - Fun, Mature Blonde . Simple Pleasures here ... :-) - 45
(San Fernando Valley, 405 @ 101 (S. Oaks. Reseda, Encino))
Hot! Young! New girl in your area! Just call me! Photo is real! - 26
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica West LA Encino Reseda, Westside)
★█ BeAUTiFUL ★Blonde █ GREEN EYED ★█ SWeeTHeART ★█ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Encino Reseda Tarzana)
█ -▀█▄█ ▀▀█▄█ -█▀ ..2. ╠╣OT .girls ★.. •.. Hong kong.. •..★.. Singapore .. ▀█▄█ -▄██ -█▀▀█▄▄█ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills / Reseda / Encino)
█ -▀█▄█ ▀▀█▄█ -█▀ ..2. ╠╣OT .girls ★.. •.. JAPANESE .. •..★.. Available .. ▀█▄█ -▄██ -█▀▀█▄▄█ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills / Reseda / Encino)
19yr old ✨ curvy blonde💦💦 Available 24hrs - 19
(Canoga Park,Chatsworth,Reseda,Encino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
👑🐝Exotic Bombshell 💕1000% Real & Reviewed ✋STOP Wasting Time🕓 With FAKE Pics😷🚫 - 22
(Glendale Burbank studio city Pasadena, San Fernando Valley)
--█ ███-- Weekend Special ____5 young girls___100% natural beauty --! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Tarzana / W Hollywood / Reseda)
🍎🍎🍎🍎 7/15 -- New ! 🍎🍎 Busty & Sexy_ ASiAN _✨ 💕Sophia💕--Available🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Reseda, Encino)
6/26 - _ NEW _ COMER - ASiAN ✨- ** Joey** Sexy and Slender ✨ - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Reseda)
—█ ██ █ █ —818-836-7649—█ ██ █ █ — Weekly New girls—█ ██ █ █ — from Shanghai China - 23
(San Fernando Valley, encino / reseda / tarzana)
💎Treasure's UR Exstacy 100% Real Deal💋4UR Thrill - 24
(San Fernando Valley, ShermanOaks/Encino/Chattsworth/Reseda/)
oOo___________ ____==_H_=_o _=_T_=___oOo___ __=_B_=_R_=_u_= _N_=_e_=_T_=_t_ =_E_=_________ _________ - 33