Mon 27 Jan
{►▲◄}i misss u seeexxx{►▲◄} - 22
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
♥ Busty Exotic Hottie♥ PERFECTION at ITS BEST* - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls In North Hollywood)
♥ Busty Exotic Hottie♥ PERFECTION at ITS BEST* - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls In North Hollywood)
Central American Exotic Hottie* PERFECTION at ITS BEST* - 27
(Incalls In Sherman Oaks, San Fernando Valley)
(¯`•?•´¯)Busty *ExOtiC* ____ Hottie____ *i* ____ (¯`•?•´¯) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls near north hollywood)
(¯`•?•´¯)Busty *ExOtiC* ____ Hottie____ *i* ____ (¯`•?•´¯) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls Northhollywood/Burbank)
BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, PLAYFUL LATINA STAFF wAiTiNg for YOU!! NEW to the 818 area.... *828186315272 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth,Calabasas,Malibu,Porter Ranch)
Sun 12 Jan
Betty thee best!!! La mas mejor en LA!!! Guaranteed thee Best! HWood, KTown, DTLA, South Central :-* - 27
(All of LA- HWood, DTLA, KTown, SCentral, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley)
Sat 11 Jan
VERY Busy Reputable Agency Seek New Girls To Start Today in NYC, Houston, San Diego, Boston & Philly
(Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Fernando Valley, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
{►▲◄}i misss u seeexxx{►▲◄} - 22
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Fri 10 Jan
VERY Busy Reputable Agency Seek New Girls To Start Today in NYC, Houston, San Diego, Boston & Philly
(Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Fernando Valley, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
Beautiful Latinas espectacular therapist now @ B.M.909-920-9796 - 21
(Inland Empire, Upland , Ontario. Chino, Pomona. Rancho)
ArMeNiAn * SpAnIsH GreeN Eyed CuRvY bAbe wItH Pirky TITS and a BuBBle BuTt !!!! SPECIALS ALL NIGHT!! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, 134/central incall glendale)
ArMeNiAn * SpAnIsH GreeN Eyed CuRvY bAbe wItH bLoNde BiG tIt FrIeNd __________ CaLl uS fOr SPECIALS! - 21
Thu 09 Jan
{►▲◄}i misss u seeexxx{►▲◄} - 22
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
____♥ *.* ((_#_)) ._ _(HiGHLY REViEWED)_ _PLAYMATE ♥((1OO% ME__ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, north hollywood & burbank.near 5/101/134)
Wed 08 Jan
ArMeNiAn * SpAnIsH GreeN Eyed CuRvY bAbe wItH bLoNde BiG tIt FrIeNd __________ CaLl uS fOr SPECIALS! - 21
New BOmBsheLL on the NetWork..ask about two GirL SPECIALS UP$C@LE iN C@LLS - 22
(Valley Village/ Riverside & Coldwater Dr)
$80 SPECIAL!! PURE♡ ♡ FREAKY ♡ chocolate ebony! UPSCALE & DISCREET LOCATION!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale 134/Central Ave)
Tue 07 Jan
💦Exotic Central American Goddess💦😻Here To Fullfill Your Every Need😻 Si Hablo Español - 19
(Downtown, Los Angeles, OUTCALL ONLY All of Los Angeles, Pasadena)
***EXXXotic, Erotic, Delishus, Sweet "Petite Milf" Doing Sensual Central Massages * Top 2 Bottom - 40
(LA County & SFV & Downtown LA, LBC Area)
Mon 06 Jan
GORGEOUS spanish BLONDE very exotic no lie-truly 1 of a kind- ****34DD!-27-39"**** 5 Star REVIEWS - 23
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys sorrounding out/in)
New Massage in Uplan --call now -909-437-0343 - 21
(Inland Empire, Upland, mountclair,clairmoint,ontario)
🚺🚺🚺 GORGEOUS 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 Upland FINEST.🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS ☎909 232-6805 - 22
(Enjoy OuR sexy show girls, Inland Empire)
(¯`•?•´¯)Busty *ExOtiC* ____ Hottie____ *i* ____ (¯`•?•´¯) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls near north hollywood)
Betty thee best!!! La mas mejor en LA!!! Guaranteed thee Best! HWood, KTown, DTLA, South Central :-* - 27
(All of LA- HWood, DTLA, KTown, SCentral, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley)
GRAND OPENING SPECIALS to 2:AM THe ULtiMaTe ReLaXaTioN SenSatioN {★)909 232 6805{★} {★} - 22
ExOtIc ARMENIAN GrEeN*EyEd ViXeN ____ BusTY __BlOnde ___ AlL ____ Natural Tits!!LUNCH TIME SPECIALS! - 21
💦Exotic Central American Goddess💦 😻Here to Satisfy Your Every Need😻 Si Hablo Español - 19
(All SFV and Ventura county 101 & 405fwy, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
F-R-I-E-N-D-L-Y ___ G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S ___T-H-I-C-K ___ C-U-R-V-Y __ _L-A-T-I-N-A - - 33
Sun 05 Jan
New Massage in Uplan --call now -909-437-0343 - 21
(Inland Empire, Upland, mountclair,clairmoint,ontario)
Brazilian Mystique 20$x30mins* latinas* - 21
(Inland Empire, Irvine, Orange County, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Upland , Chino, Ontario, Pomona, Rancho)
ArMeNiAn * SpAnIsH GreeN Eyed CuRvY bAbe wItH Pirky TITS and a BuBBle BuTt !!!! SPECIALS ALL NIGHT!! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, 134/central incall glendale)
Beautiful Latinas espectacular therapist now @ B.M.909-920-9796 - 21
(Inland Empire, Upland , Ontario. Chino, Pomona. Rancho)
BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, PLAYFUL LATINA STAFF wAiTiNg for YOU!! NEW to the 818 area.... *828186315272 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth,Calabasas,Malibu,Porter Ranch)
ExOtIc ARMENIAN GrEeN*EyEd ViXeN ____ BusTY __BlOnde ___ AlL ____ Natural Tits!!LUNCH TIME SPECIALS! - 21
💦Exotic Central American Goddess💦😻Here To Fullfill Your Every Need😻 Si Hablo Español - 19
(Downtown, Los Angeles, OUTCALL ONLY All of Los Angeles, Pasadena)
[MiXed CuTiE] ~¤ Visiting Chatsworth°~ Great iNCaLL *~[80SPECiALS] ++MoRE [LaSt-Day] - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth/Northridge)
HoT SEXY LaTiNaS ready to PLAY. New to San Fernando Valley area. *828186315272 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth, Woodland Hills, Porter Ranch)
Busty Central American Mix- - - Well Reviewed- click here AmAzinG - 21
(Incalls near the 210/ 134 / 605)
Sat 04 Jan
Upland*Happy Hour⏳ (OPEN -NOW )*💲💲SPECIAL$$*flat Rates (20 mn.V.I.P)/(V.I.P 30 mn) ☎909 545-1962 - 22
(Inland Empire, UPLAND(Flat Rates V.I.P 20mn. /30mn.))
Sensual - Stunning -Bella- Escape~ Induldge~ Njoy - Shenanigan Central ~ -Role Play~. JAcuzzi~ - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sfv van nuys airport)
[MiXed CuTiE] ~¤ Visiting Chatsworth°~ Great iNCaLL *~[80SPECiALS] ++MoRE [LaSt-Day] - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth/Northridge)
LUNCH TIME SPECIALS!! ExOtIc ARMENIAN GrEeN*EyEd ViXeN ____ 38H BlOnde _____ AlL ____ Natural Tits!! - 21
HoT SEXY LaTiNaS ready to PLAY. New to San Fernando Valley area. *828186315272 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth, Woodland Hills, Porter Ranch)
share some time with Fun Cute Casual Az Couple in Woodland Hills thru Wed - - 46
(Woodland Hillsm, Warner Cente3r)