Mon 27 Jan
*-: Gorgeous Mixed Petite Barbie:-* 21 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Studio City)
Burrr💋👄 i its cold I can keep💋👄 u warm🏨 Specials 💋👄 - 32
(Glendale incall Only, San Fernando Valley)
Sun 12 Jan
~~HOT Italian BABE Avilable to give you the BEST massage ever ..five stars! ~~ - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale CA Los Angeles)
Sat 11 Jan
🌟🍒Latina ruby 🌹🍭 new 100% Real Pics!!!💋 beautiful sexy Latin bombshell 💕💎 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga park woodland hills)
Fri 10 Jan
__ __ Do you like Chinese girls ? ____ ____ I thought you did ! ___ ___ - 26
(Tujunga San Fernando Valley)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
[AVAiLABLE NOW! *] SuPeR Hot * .BiG bOoTy!. FreaK(*100 *) $pecIaL !* - 24
(I.N.C.A.L.L. / //// {SHERMAN OAKS })
oOo___________ ____==_H_=_o _=_T_=___oOo___ __=_B_=_R_=_u_= _N_=_e_=_T_=_t_ =_E_=_________ _________ - 33
Tue 07 Jan
out of town special AMBER & CHRISTINA - 20
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Valey ( OUTCALLS ONLY ))
Horny hot sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
RANKED TOP 10 in for LA. TINY PETITE WAIST - Reviewed - Softest Kiss - Glendale/ Hollywood - 21
(GLENDALE/ Hollywood In or Out Now!)
Mon 06 Jan
~~HOT Italian BABE Avilable to give you the BEST company ever ..five stars! ~~ - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale CA Los Angeles)
vIsItInG= ► *((=EBONY/ DOMINICAN CUTIE=))= =((Available )) ◄= =*100*($pecial) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, U.P.S.C.A.L.E {INCALLS}SFV::::VAN NUYS)
Sun 05 Jan
RANKED TOP 10 for LA TINY PETITE WAIST - Reviewed - Softest Kiss - Glendale/ Hollywood - 21
(GLENDALE/ Hollywood In or Out Now!)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» _NEW!! _IN_TOWN_ B_U_S_T_Y __-:¦:- _P_E _T_I_T_E_ -:¦:- _HONDURAN__ -:¦:-_ (¯`v´¯)-»
~~HOT Italian BABE Avilable to give you the BEST company ever ..five stars! ~~ - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale CA Los Angeles)
~~HOT Italian BABE Avilable to give you the BEST massage ever ..five stars! ~~ - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Glendale CA Los Angeles)
¸.•*¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ •* HOT $PeCiaLs ★ , SEXY PETITE BRUNETTE ★ Good Girl Gone Bad*• Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨*• ., - 23
(San Fernando Valley, ~ EAST SFV INCALL ~)
2 GiRl ShOw!! (BAD )( E X O T I C ) ( DOMIN ICAN ) ( B I G) ( B O O T Y )(FR3@K ) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, 100 $pecial ///{S.F.V.}// {I-405})
oOo___________ ____==_H_=_o _=_T_=___oOo___ __=_B_=_R_=_u_= _N_=_e_=_T_=_t_ =_E_=_________ _________ - 33
Sat 04 Jan
NEW OPENING— Body Msaage*★*—SO SWEET @—*★*—SO SEXY——GIRL JUST ARRIVED!—818-919-1269 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Valley Village / N Hollywood/ Burbank /)
Best body rub/massage ever! 🎉💝💝#1 relaxation 🎊🎊💝💝818.551.9188🎈🎊💝 - 22
Fri 03 Jan
@@@@@ @@@@@ @@ sweet hot Asian girls with beautiful curve body. @@@@@ @@@@@ @@ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, California)
-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦: SEXY TIGHT AND WET WAITING ON YOU-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦ - 35
(LOS ANGELES,CA / 310.447.5267)
=====❀ █ ▓ San Fernando Valley $PECIALS INCALL OR OUT ▓ █ ❀===== ;) - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/Burbank ⏠⎠)
-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦: SEXY TIGHT AND WET WAITING ON YOU-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦ - 35
(LOS ANGELES,CA / 310.447.5267)
Thu 02 Jan