Mon 27 Jan
THICK, Juicy, Soothing, Exitement, Guaranteed, JUGOSA, Garantiza, Tu, Satisfacion, Relajate!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
New ❀ Annie❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 24
(101/Hampshire Rd, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
New ❀Annie ❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 24
(101/Hamshire Rd/Thousand Oaks, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
hello boys I'm in the mood for headgames ?!! are you?? 40 is all it takes to play!! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernsndo rd)
GUARANTEE, Amazing, Mouth, Warming, Satisfaction, GARANTIA, Boca, Increible, Satisfacion !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Roxford Sylmar)
❤ !!! Chinese Massage in Santa Clarita !!! ❤ - 26
(Santa Clarita Palmdale 14 Fwy)
Charlly Moore - get some now while the getting is grreeaatt! - 30
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando rd / Roxford)
bbw ,a man pleaser 50roses is all it takes!!!dont miss out ! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernando rd)
white bbw , beautiful green eyes, thick in all the right places! 40 roses is all it takes!!! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando rd. /sylmar)
MoReNa, JuiCy, LuCiOuS, BbW, JuGoSa, EnCaNtAdOrA, HeRmOsA!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
LuScIoUs, LaTiNa, ExPeRiEnCe, ExOtIc, SuKsIoN, PlEaSuRe, ExOtIcO, PlAsEr, UnIcO, ExPeRiMeNtA !!! - 25
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
InCaLl, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95, DrEaMy, BeDrOoM, EyEz, OuTcAlL, HhR85, Hr120, SoNrIsA EnCaNtAdOrA!!!
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
Charlly Moore - get some now while the getting is grreeaatt! - 30
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando rd / Roxford)
BrUnCh OuTcAlL, DoMiCiLiO,SpEcIAl, HhR85, Hr120, aLmUeRzO, InCaLl Mi LuGaR, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
bbw ,a man pleaser 50roses is all it takes!!!dont miss out ! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernando rd)
amazing skills, loves to play headgames,and ready to demostrat my skills on you 50roses is all !!!! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar / San FERNANDO RD)
Sun 12 Jan
sexy,and ready for you !want fun relaxed non rushed fun ?40 roses is all you need!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmarSAN FERNANDO RD)
TwIsTed, FeeLinG, PlEaSuRe, ExItEmEnT, GaRaNteEd, SaBrOsUrA, EnCaNtAdOrA, JuGoSa, CaLeNtUrA!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
OuTcAlL, A Tu DoMiCiLiO, HhR85, Hr120, InCaLl, A Mi LuGaR, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95, SpOnTaNeOuS,MeMoRy!!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
IM BACK, Amazing, IRRISISTABLE, U, Won't, Regreat, YA REGRESE, Irresistible, No, Te, Arepentiras !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
Sat 11 Jan
hot,wild,& excited to show you 50 ways to satisfy your every want and desire ! dont miss out! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
daddy'ssexual illusions!! total satisfaction! I'm ready are you?-40 is all it takes to feel great!! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernsndo rd/outcalls)
delicious,mouthwatering ,satisfying,let me show you all i can do 50roses all it takes dont miss this - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
ultimate satisfaction,headgames are the best dont miss this 50roses!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
thick ,juicy,and ready incall & outcall speacials ask about them!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
Fri 10 Jan
your sexual playtoy!! total satisfaction! I'm ready are you?-40 is all it takes to feel great!! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernsndo rd/outcalls)
IM BACK, Amazing, IRRISISTABLE, U, Won't, Regreat, YA REGRESE, Irresistible, No, Te, Arepentiras !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
GET ME while I'm HOT!! Last night in town!! HIGHLY REVIEWED!! - 26
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Off Soledad Canyon Rd, Palmdale, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
(¯`'.¸o ° ★° Start your day off RIGHT with this PUERTO RICAN DELIGHT °★° o ¸.' ´¯) - 19
(San Fernando Valley, New bury Rd In/out to Thousand oaks SF,)
hot,wild,& excited to show you 50 ways to satisfy your every want and desire ! dont miss out! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
UnReAcHaBlE, Qk,45, ToUcHaBlE, HhR,65, GuaRanTeeD, Hr,100, ExiTemEnt, MiRa,ToCa,DiSfRuTa!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SaN FeRnAnDo Rd & HuBbArD. SyLmAr)
let's do it !! you ready free fun just pay for my time 50roses !!! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernando rd& hubbard)
New ❀Kiki❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 25
(Agoura Hills, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
Thu 09 Jan
daddy'ssexual illusions!! total satisfaction! I'm ready are you?-40 is all it takes to feel great!! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernsndo rd/outcalls)
SuNdAy, OuTcAlL, DoMiCiLiO,SpEcIAl, HhR85, Hr120, DoMiNgO, InCaLl Mi LuGaR, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
(¯`'.¸o ° ★° Start your day off RIGHT with this PUERTO RICAN DELIGHT °★° o ¸.' ´¯) - 19
(San Fernando Valley, New bury Rd In/out to Thousand oaks SF,)
╚» DiANA🌟in Oxnard (( 🌟 Chica LATINA )) 🔟 💕 DISPONIBLE solo Hoy💋Ask For Specials!! - 22
(1200 N ventura RD OXNARD, Ventura, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Palmdale, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
The hootest bitch that evea touched so cal - 30
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar roxford and sanfernando rd)
OuTcAlL, SpEcIaL, A, DoMiCiLiO, Qk65, Hh85, Hr120, GuaRanTeeD, ExiTeMenT, InCaLl, Qk45, Hh65, Hr90, - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SaN FeRnAnDo Rd & HuBbArD. SyLmAr)
white bbw , beautiful green eyes, thick in all the right places! 40 roses is all it takes!!! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando rd. /sylmar)
Wed 08 Jan
THICK, Juicy, Soothing, Exitement, Guaranteed, JUGOSA, Garantiza, Tu, Satisfacion, Relajate!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
thick ,hot and sexy 40roses is all you need SPEACIAL TODAY ONLY DONT MISS THIS\ - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmarSAN FERNANDO RD)
In, OuT, CaLl, SpEcIaL, HhR, 55, 85, Hr, 85, 120, SpEcIaL, ReLaX, EnJoY, ReLaJaTe, DiSFruTa !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
i want it , do you? 40roses is all It take - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernando rd& hubbard)
SpEcIaL, InCaLl, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95, OuTcAlL, A, DoMiCiLiO, HhR85, Hr120, SpEcIaL!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
delicious,mouthwatering ,satisfying,green eyes,thick theighs 40roses all it takes - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
thick ,hot and sexy 40roses is all you need SPEACIAL TODAY ONLY DONT MISS THIS\ - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmarSAN FERNANDO RD)
Tue 07 Jan
thick ,juicy,and ready incall & outcall speacials ask about them!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
let's do it !! you ready free fun just pay for my time 50roses !!! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernando rd& hubbard)
BEAUTIFUL, Irrisistable, Hot, HERMOSA, Encantadora, Caliente, Ready !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Roxford & San Fernando Rd In/Out call)
FrIdAy, OuTcAlL, DoMiCiLiO,SpEcIAl, HhR85, Hr120, ViErNeS, InCaLl Mi LuGaR, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
EXPLOSIVE, Incredible, Warming, Mouth, Lips, EXPLOSIVO, Irresistible, Delisiosos, Labios !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Roxford Sylmar)
InCaLl, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95, DrEaMy, BeDrOoM, EyEz, OuTcAlL, HhR85, Hr120, SoNrIsA EnCaNtAdOrA!!!
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
FrIdAy, OuTcAlL, DoMiCiLiO,SpEcIAl, HhR85, Hr120, ViErNeS, InCaLl Mi LuGaR, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
TwIsTed, FeeLinG, PlEaSuRe, ExItEmEnT, GaRaNteEd, SaBrOsUrA, EnCaNtAdOrA, JuGoSa, CaLeNtUrA!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
SpoNtaNeOs, MomeNts, UnForgEttaBle, MemoRieS, PleaSureAble, TimE, InolVidAble, MemoRia!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
SpiCy, JuiCy, WaTer, WaRmiNg, HeAd, ,GaMe, PiCoSita, JuGosa, MoReNa, LaBioS, CaliEnteS !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
SPEACIAL !dont miss this ! 40roses hhr/ 80hr im ready willing and able to satisfy - 39
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando rd &hubbard;)
New ❀Annie ❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 24
(101/Hamshire Rd/Thousand Oaks, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
indulge in something extraordinary dont miss this! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
Mon 06 Jan
New ❀ Lear❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 24
(101/Hampshire Rd, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
MoReNa, JuiCy, LuCiOuS, BbW, JuGoSa, EnCaNtAdOrA, HeRmOsA!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
SpoNtaNeOs, MomeNts, UnForgEttaBle, MemoRieS, PleaSureAble, TimE, InolVidAble, MemoRia!!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
snowbunny,green eyes,big thighs,ass to !!!,40roses all it takes !!dont miss it!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
SPEACIAL !dont miss this ! 40roses hhr/ 80hr im ready willing and able to satisfy - 39
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando rd &hubbard;)
sexy,and ready for you !want fun relaxed non rushed fun ?40 roses is all you need!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmarSAN FERNANDO RD)
big ,sexy,and ready !are you ready ?i wanna play head games !!40roses is all it takes - 38
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando rd)
FaSt, QuiCk, HuRry, 45, SloW, EaSy, CaLm, 65, RapiDo, PriSa, ApuRate, 45, DespaCio, CalMaDo, 65!!! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
bbw ,a man pleaser 50 roses is all it takes give me a try!lweekend speacial - 35
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernando rd)
SPEACIAL! 45quick roses and come enjoy,relax and satisfy your every want &desire; !!speacial!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
snowbunny,green eyes,big thighs,ass to !!!,40roses all it takes !!dont miss it!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
SPECIAL, In, Call, 50, ATTRACTIVE, SwEeT, Natural, Beauty, Hermosa, Belleza, Encantadora !!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
PhAt, JuIcY, MoUtH, WaTeRiNg, SkIlLs, CaNt, ReSiSt, GrUeSoS, JuGoSoS, LaBiOs, No, PrOdRaS, ReSisTiR! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard Sylmar)
New ❀ Annie❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 24
(101/Hampshire Rd, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
delicious,mouthwatering ,satisfying,green eyes,thick theighs 40roses all it takes - 37
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
big ,sexy,and ready !are you ready ?i wanna play head games !!50roses is all it takes - 38
(San Fernando rd /sylmar, San Fernando Valley)
big ,sexy,and ready !are you ready ?i wanna play head games !!40roses is all it takes - 38
(San Fernando Valley, san fernando rd)
🌟🌟100% Real Woman 🌹🌹No Bait & Switch💋💋 sexy latina si hablo espanol 🌟🌟🎉 - 23
(Burbank W.Hollywood.Studio city.Glendale, San Gabriel Valley)
GET ME while I'm HOT!! Last night in town!! HIGHLY REVIEWED!! - 26
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Off Soledad Canyon Rd, Palmdale, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
Sun 05 Jan
indulge in something extraordinary dont miss this! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar /san fernando rd & hubbard)
New ❀ Linda❀Beautiful ❀Asian❀Girl ❀Available ❀Now - 25
(101/Hamshire Rd/Thousand Oaks, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
InCaLl, En Mi LuGaR, Qk45, HhR65, Hr95, DoMiCiLiO, OuTcAlL, HhR85, Hr120, ReFrEsH, ReLaX, ReFrEsCaTe - 24
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Rd & Hubbard. Sylmar)
hello boys I'm in the mood for headgames ?!! are you?? 40 is all it takes to play!! - 38
(San Fernando Valley, sylmar/san fernsndo rd)