Mon 27 Jan
An erotic shemale massage will do the body good (table available) - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
Delicious Freaky BLONDE... Come taste me !!!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks.... off the 405)
Ready for something different? Shemale massage perhaps( table and shower available) - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
*¨¨* HOT *¨¨* BLONDE *¨¨* IN *¨¨* TOWN *¨¨* VISITING *¨¨* - 23
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks off the 405)
Sat 11 Jan
*¨¨* HOT *¨¨* BLONDE *¨¨* IN *¨¨* TOWN *¨¨* VISITING *¨¨* - 23
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks off the 405)
Thu 09 Jan
Delicious Freaky BLONDE... Come taste me !!!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks.... off the 405)
* SPECIALS * ______________* Reviewed *__________ Voluptuous & Skilled _______ Latina _____________ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks ~ 101 & 405 fwys)
One Tone ONLY 7O Special! ____ Slim & Sweet ____ Black & Indian Exotic Princess ____ Real Pics !!! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks (405/Burbank))
Wed 08 Jan
* $100 T H I C K *((( G___F___E )))* L A T I N A $100 * - 20
(INCALLS off 405 fwy & OUTCALLS)
SeXXy Brunette ** LaTiNas Do It BeTTer ***** AmaZing Body **Quality SerVIce!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, off the 405 sherman oaks)
Tue 07 Jan
An erotic shemale massage will do the body good (table available) - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
Ready for something different? Shemale massage perhaps( table and shower available) - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
Mon 06 Jan
NEW pics EurOpean& American Indian... wild and , Lets get Crazy !!.find A Treausre of pleasure. - 24
(San Fernando Valley, off the 405 & 101 Sherman Oaks. OUTCALLS)
**NEW *** Stunning , Red Headed Actress ! Gorgeous, Busty, 100 % REAL ! - 36
(Sherman Oaks 818.561.0937)
Sat 04 Jan
SeXXy Brunette ** LaTiNas Do It BeTTer ***** AmaZing Body **Quality SerVIce!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, off the 405 sherman oaks)
☆ incredibleyy G0RGEOUS . sweet PEtitE & a real TREAt! ☆ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, SFV sherman oaks 405frwy)
***** B u S t Y ___ B o M b S h E l L e ___ 4 ___ Y o U ___ 2 ___ P L A Y ___ W i T h !!! ***** - 24
(Sherman Oaks off the 405/Burbank)
Ready 4 a change? Try a Shemale erotic massage(Checkout Instagram link for rates b4 calling) - 28
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
Blond Blue EYE'd SEXPERT with an AMAZING ASSS!!! Samantha Blond...Upscale Elegant CLASSY ASSS! - 40
(Bel Air-Sepulveda Pass-Sherm Oaks)
Fri 03 Jan
Ready 4 a change? Try a Shemale erotic massage(Checkout Instagram link for rates b4 calling) - 28
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
Thu 02 Jan