Mon 27 Jan
((Morning Specials)) —— (UPSCALE) ———————————— (BLONDE) —————————————— (BARBIE) _________ (Visiting) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/ Van Nuys Incall (Fwy-405))
☆ Incalls ☆ Biggest whyte booty in town New Pictures 100% Real & Recent ★☆★☆★ service - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys,405 fwy,sherman oaks, close to)
cute face thick booty new in Town🌸💎$60 short stay Specials!!!! 💎 Always Working💖I000% real pics! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys,405 fwy,sherman oaks, close to)
80 SpECiALS ***@V@IL@BLe ALL NiTE *** UnRuSHED ***InDePenDeNT *** SeXY & PeTiTE 🎉 🎉👙💍�🐰🐰🐰� - 22
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
$80 Specials AVAIL NOW * Fetish fetish fetish friendly - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS/NO.HO/SHERMAN OAKS/SFV170/405)
•❤• YouR SeXy LiTTle SeCrEt•❤• 100% WoRtH iT •❤• Blonde - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Encino Van Nuys 101/405)
★ §x!§T BiG B00ty !N ToWN ★70 INCALL §PeCi@L ★ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks /Van Nuys - 405)
((60 Specials))) ——— (UPSCALE) ——————————————— (BLONDE) —————————————— (BARBIE) _________ (Visiting) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks Incall (Fwy-405))
[/60* * * NEW / B O O T Y / C U T I E * * * * INCALLS ONLY * * * * /6O] - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Sepulveda HWY 405)
👄💋💕 💎 💎 Lίmίτεd Edίτίoη ★ 100% REAL💎💎【 F¡√ε ★ 】 💎💎【 SεXXy ρℓαγmα†ε 】💎 👄💕💎 60 Specials! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys 405 Fwy)
__----_cHOcoLaTe bOmBshElL__---__ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Burbank, off 405)
Sun 12 Jan
💞💖When only the BEST will do Sexy & Passionate. Your Beautiful Lady is Waiting for You💞💖 - - 40
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys/Burbank (405/101))
👄💋💕 💎 💎 Lίmίτεd Edίτίoη ★ 100% REAL💎💎【 F¡√ε ★ 】 💎💎【 SεXXy ρℓαγmα†ε 】💎 👄💕💎 60 Specials! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys 405 Fwy)
💞💘⇖✘⇗ Beautiful⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞 EBONY ⚠ BOMBSHELL ⚡ ⚡100% REAL ⚡ - 30
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks-Encino-Van Nuys-101/405)
Sat 11 Jan
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
👑🏆 Spanish Queen 🏆👑 PERFECT tits 🍑🍑💯% Satisfaction 😘👌UR Fav TReat 🍭 - 21
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
[/6O* * * NEW / B O O T Y / C U T I E * * * * INCALLS ONLY * * * * /6O] - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Sepulveda HWY 405)
80/30💋No ComPl@ints Yet**ExoTIC *BomB$HeLL 💖💋R€aL PiCs💖💋 @V@IL@BLe NoW☎ InDePeNdEnt& GORG£OUS💋 - 22
💋💋 Young Sexy SnowBunnie 🎀🎀 1000% Real 💎💎 Don't Miss Out !! InCall Specials !!💋🎀 Blue Eyed Beauty 💎💎 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Van Nuys 101 Fwy 405 Fwy)
Beautiful Exotic Brazilian Godess !!!! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank Sherman oaks Van Nuys 405 fwy)
Sexy big booty Sweet feminine Exotic Latina TS*** *****100% real pics ** Available Now***I - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/van nuys near fwy 101&405)
*LiMiTED TiME* __________ BLONDE BARBiE! __________ ~ PiNK & SWEET ~ __________ HOT SPECiALS! - 21
C@RRib£aN MiX£D Be@UTY BomB$HeLL💋💋100% R€aL PiCs💋 @V@IL@BLe NoW💋💋 InDePeNdEnt & GORG£OUS💋80/30 - 22
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
Fri 10 Jan
80 MoRNiNG SPeCI@Ls* %100 SeXY *C@RRiBe@N Be@uTY ❤PeTiTe & THiCK ❤❤Re@L PiCS Gu@R@NtEED* 80 SPeCi@LS - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
💋💋💋 ( PETITE ) _______ LATiNA* * ________. BoMBshELL ***💋____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, 405 Frwy Van nuys //Sherman oaks INCALLS)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G H🔥T Spanish beauty 👸💯% Real💕💎Early morning specials🌌🌌📞📞 - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys,Panorama,Sherman oaks 405 fwy)
💕💕💕 :.:. NEW .:.: EXOTIC P£TiT£ (:.:. MeXiCaN & InDiaN .:.:). HOTTIE. 💕💕💕💋😜😍 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, 405 frwy van nuys // Sherman oaks)
Im The Snow Bunny Of Your Dreams So Come Play With Me! We Can Have So Much Fun! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys/ I 405)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
Thu 09 Jan
NEW °= S_E_X_Y == °❤° == **DESIRABLE** == °❤° == T_R_E_A_T = KiLLER BooTY - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks | Van Nuys - 405)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
$80 Specials AVAIL NOW * Sexy Ebony Beauty ( 1OO% REAL Photos ) - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS/NO.HO/SHERMAN OAKS/SFV170/405)
80 SpECIaLS ** EXoTiC BeAuTY ***OpEn MiNdED *** INDePeNDeNT *** UnRUSHeD *** 80 SPeCi@LS 🙈 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
STOP ✋RiGHT ✋THΞRΞ !! 👆§H£👇ⓙⓤⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳"🇹🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪↻₩iT 🇹🇭ⓘ§ 💕 SexY BeAuTy💕👄 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Upscale Van nuys Sherman oaks (405)101))
$80 Specials AVAIL NOW * Fetish fetish fetish friendly - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS/NO.HO/SHERMAN OAKS/SFV170/405)
Back In Town ☆ Incalls ☆ Your favorite WhiteGirl !! New Pictures 100% Real & Recent ★☆★☆★ service - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys,405 fwy,sherman oaks, close to)
Wed 08 Jan
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
* $100 T H I C K *((( G___F___E )))* L A T I N A $100 * - 20
(INCALLS off 405 fwy & OUTCALLS)
((60 Specials))) ——— (UPSCALE) ——————————————— (BLONDE) —————————————— (BARBIE) _________ (Visiting) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks Incall (Fwy-405))
80Sp£ciALs* ExoTIC SPaniSh& Bl@ck *BomB$HeLL 💖💋R€aL PiCs💋 @V@IL@BLe NoW* InDePeNdEnt& GORG£OUS💋 - 22
((Specials))) ——— (UPSCALE) ——————————— (BLONDE) —————————————— (BARBIE) ______ ( Well Reviewed ) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks Incall (Fwy.405))
80 SpEcialS** SeXY MiXeD B€aUTy★ INDePeNDeNT..Av@iLaBLe NoW!!!! N0 R£GrETs..I PrOmISe *80 SPeCi@LS* - 22
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
80/30 💋💍 C@RRiBe@n MiXeD 💖💋 R€aL PiCs💖💋 @V@IL@BLe NoW☎ InDePeNdEnt & GORGEOUS 💋HuRRy and Call - 22
80 SPeCI@LS **EXoTiC* MiXeD *BeaUTY ❤❤InDePeNDeNT ❤❤PeTiTe & THiCK ❤❤I PrOMiSE N0 ReGrETs*** - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
** B i G Bo O T y ** BaR BiE ** 1oO % ** R_E A L ___ SAN FERNANDO VALLEY - 24
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS(::) I-405(::)(::)BURBANK)
Tue 07 Jan
Im The Snow Bunny Of Your Dreams So Come Play With Me! We Can Have So Much Fun! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys/ I 405)
*£XoTiC MiX£D Be@UTY BomB$HeLL💋💋100% R€aL PiCs💋 @V@IL@BLe NoW💋💋 InDePeNdEnt & GORG£OUS💋80/30 - 22
::§K¡LL€D ❤❤❤ H¡GHL¥ G¡F†€Ð ❤ !§UP€R FR€AK!! TrEaSuRe - 23
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS // SHERMAN OAKS // 405 FWY)
💍🎉 80 SpECiALS A ❤B ❤S ❤O ❤L ❤U ❤T ❤E ❤L ❤Y ** G ❤O ❤R ❤G ❤E ❤O ❤U ❤S 🎉 🎉👙💍 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
Sexy big booty Sweet Submissive Exotic Latina TS*** *****100% real pics ** Available Now***I - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/van nuys near fwy 101&405)
💞💘⇖✘⇗ Beautiful⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞 EBONY ⚠ BOMBSHELL ⚡ ⚡100% REAL ⚡ - 30
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks-Encino-Van Nuys-101/405)
Sexy big booty Sweet Submissive Exotic Latina TS*** *****100% real pics ** Available Now***I
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/van nuys near fwy 101&405)
C@RiBBeAN Be@UTY ❤❤** InDePeNDeNT ** ❤❤PeTiTe & THiCK.. ❤❤80 SPeCI@LS ... ❤❤No CoMpLAiNTs YET - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
Sexy big booty Sweet feminine Exotic Latina TS*** *****100% real pics ** Available Now***I - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/van nuys near fwy 101&405)
*£XoTiC MiX£D Be@UTY BomB$HeLL💋💋100% R€aL PiCs💋 @V@IL@BLe NoW💋💋 InDePeNdEnt & GORG£OUS💋80/30 - 22
Sexy Tall Blonde in Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks Specials Available!!! - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys,Sherman Oaks 101/405 In&Outcall;)
🎸🎸 PARTY GAL 🍹In/outCALLS🚗 💐 the REAL DEAL💦💦 S€xY PET!TE TR€@T🍨 💧💖💖💖 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks - VAN NUYS - 405 freeway)
(INCALL Ready)‼️Brand New Pics‼️ *Blonde BOMBSHELL💋::Tight & Petite:: Clean Safe Playmate🍯 - 22
(Downtown, Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks (I-405) Burbank Van Nuys)
Face time available* HotSweet feminine Exotic Latina TS*** *****100% real pics ** Available Now***I - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/van nuys near fwy 101&405)
Mon 06 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)-»___ *° Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOTtom BoRiCuA/PeRsIaN MiX* 100%Real :: 100% T@styy: - 20
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS/VAN NUYS Incall 405 exit)
NEW pics & video!!! BRITISH BLONDE 📢 foreign🔥🔥 baby crazy bad she ridiculous 💣💎👸 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, 405 SHERMAN OAKS VAN NUYS)
☆ Incalls ☆ Biggest whyte booty in town New Pictures 100% Real & Recent ★☆★☆★ service - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys,405 fwy,sherman oaks, close to)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
((60 Specials)) ————💄👡💄—————{(Blonde) 💞 (Barbie)}—————💄💄👡💄💄————(( Well Viewed )) - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks Incall (Fwy-405))
[/60* * * NEW / B O O T Y / C U T I E * * * * INCALLS ONLY * * * * /6O] - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Sepulveda HWY 405)
Busty Bad Girl in call only 7025610609 - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 101 Fwy 405 Fwy, Sherman oaks, van nuys)
💋💋💋 ( PETITE ) _______ LATiNA* * ________. BoMBshELL ***💋____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, 405 Frwy Van nuys //Sherman oaks INCALLS)
NEW pics & video!!! BRITISH BLONDE 📢 foreign🔥🔥 baby crazy bad she ridiculous 💣💎👸 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, 405 SHERMAN OAKS VAN NUYS)
Back In Town ☆ Incalls ☆ Your favorite WhiteGirl !! New Pictures 100% Real & Recent ★☆★☆★ service - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys,405 fwy,sherman oaks, close to)
Sweet PETITE Beauty* LAST DAY* 3232371560 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van nuys Sherman oaks roscoe and 405)
STOP ✋RiGHT ✋THΞRΞ !! 👆§H£👇ⓙⓤⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳"🇹🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪↻₩iT 🇹🇭ⓘ§ 💕 SexY BeAuTy💕👄 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Upscale Van nuys Sherman oaks (405)101))
((Specials))) ——— (UPSCALE) ——————————— (BLONDE) —————————————— (BARBIE) ______ ( Well Reviewed ) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks Incall (Fwy.405))
👑🏆 Spanish Queen 🏆👑 PERFECT tits 🍑🍑💯% Satisfaction 😘👌UR Fav TReat 🍭 - 21
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
👑🏆 Spanish Italian Queen 🏆👑slip TIGHT ✊💦 PERFECT tits 🍑🍑💯% Satisfaction 😘👌UR Fav TReat 🍭 - 21
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
👑🏆 Spanish Queen 🏆👑 PERFECT tits 🍑🍑💯% Satisfaction 😘👌UR Fav TReat 🍭 - 21
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
Brand 🆕 Snow Bunny ❄️🐰 Wavy Blue Eyed 🌊👸🏼 Princess 👑 READY When You Are 😜💦 - 19
(N.HWood/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/405/170, San Fernando Valley)
Busty Bad Girl in call only 7025610609 - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 101 Fwy 405 Fwy, Sherman oaks, van nuys)
🚧👄 Armenian Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 19
(170/405/Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/North HW, San Fernando Valley)
»-(¯`v´¯)-»___ *° Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOTtom BoRiCuA/PeRsIaN MiX* 100%Real :: 100% T@styy: - 20
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS/VAN NUYS Incall 405 exit)
G O R G E O U S *°G I R L °*R E A L P I C S °* - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, off 405)
[/6O* * * NEW / B O O T Y / C U T I E * * * * INCALLS ONLY * * * * /6O] - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Sepulveda HWY 405)
💞💖When only the BEST will do Sexy & Passionate. Your Beautiful Lady is Waiting for You💞💖 - - 40
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys/Burbank (405/101))
👑🏆 Spanish Queen 🏆👑 PERFECT tits 🍑🍑💯% Satisfaction 😘👌UR Fav TReat 🍭 - 21
(170/405/Van Nuys/ Sherman Oaks/ North HW, San Fernando Valley)
::§K¡LL€D ❤❤❤ H¡GHL¥ G¡F†€Ð ❤ !§UP€R FR€AK!! TrEaSuRe - 23
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS // SHERMAN OAKS // 405 FWY)
cute face thick booty new in Town🌸💎$60 short stay Specials!!!! 💎 Always Working💖I000% real pics! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys,405 fwy,sherman oaks, close to)
80 SpECiALS ***@V@IL@BLe ALL NiTE *** UnRuSHED ***InDePenDeNT *** SeXY & PeTiTE 🎉 🎉👙💍�🐰🐰🐰� - 22
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, SHERMAN OAKS, 405 FWY)
👄KEKE👄And Her Soft Juicy Lips Her To FUFILL🙏 Ur Every NEED💦👑 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks, van nuys 405 freeway)
Sun 05 Jan
Sweet PETITE Beauty* LAST DAY* 3232371560 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van nuys Sherman oaks roscoe and 405)