Sat 22 Feb
Mexican &Asian BBFS BBBJ 💕B2B💕Nuru massage💕69💕BBBJ💕BBFS💕Deep throat💕Shower together💕
(San Fernando Valley, US)
Mon 27 Jan
BBW hello s.f.v. LOVELY LILLIANA si habla espanol - 25
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks,van nuys incall/outcall)
A Dream Come True🌟🌠A Fantasy Fulfilled🌟Sexy, Ready, & Waiting 4 You :) SpEcIaLs AvAiLaBlE NoW .!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, SFV Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Incall outcall)
vIsItInG= ► *((=EBONY/ DOMINICAN CUTIE=))= =((Available )) ◄= =*100*($pecial) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, U.P.S.C.A.L.E {INCALLS}SFV::::VAN NUYS)
Sun 12 Jan
♡♡ SUPER A.M. Specials before Work With Angel Love♡♡ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Incall)
___ o★o° _ S_E_X_Y_ ((8O)) °o★o° _G_I_R_L_ °o★o° ((8O)) _S_P_E_C _ I_A_L_! ___ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/ Van Nuys/North Hills 24hrs)
Sat 11 Jan
_ D O M ! N ! C A N _ ►B ! G_ B _0_ 0_ t _Y _► _=_ _ - 24
(({{*outcall:::::::incall}}) ShErMaN oAkS)
(Speci@ls) ————— 💞———————————— *BLoNDE* —♥— *B@RbiE* ——————————————💞 ————— (100% Real Pics) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks / Van Nuys Incall/Outcall)
A Dream Come True🌟🌠A Fantasy Fulfilled🌟Sexy, Ready, & Waiting 4 You :) SpEcIaLs AvAiLaBlE NoW .!! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, SFV Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Incall outcall)
Russian Goddess 100% Authentic New In town !!!! :) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van nuys / Sherman Oaks Outcall / Incall)
[AVAiLABLE NOW! *] SuPeR Hot * .BiG bOoTy!. FreaK(*100 *) $pecIaL !* - 24
(I.N.C.A.L.L. / //// {SHERMAN OAKS })
Fri 10 Jan
2 GiRl ShOw!! (BAD )( E X O T I C ) ( DOMIN ICAN ) ( B I G) ( B O O T Y )(FR3@K ) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, 100 $pecial ///{S.F.V.}// {I-405})
STOP🚫 LooK No Further..( Taylor is Back!!👅)(( 💋Green Eyed Beauty💋))Curvy Thick Latina👅Moist Specials - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Incall / Outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
═══☆BACK °n ToWn [Âb§OLut€Ly ]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG]══ °☆ ══[ PLÂ¥MÂT€]══ ☆° ☆ [specials!]☆°☆ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys (incall/outcall))
💜💜💜Up Late Available Now!! 👯2 Girl Fun🎉 🎉 ✔️100% Real 🔥💘Brunette Hotties!! 💜💜💜 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Incall/ Outcall)
BBW hello s.f.v. LOVELY LILLIANA si habla espanol - 25
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks,van nuys incall/outcall)
Wed 08 Jan
Russian Goddess 100% Authentic New In town !!!! :) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van nuys / Sherman Oaks Outcall / Incall)
[AVAiLABLE NOW! *] SuPeR Hot * .BiG bOoTy!. FreaK(*100 *) $pecIaL !* - 24
(I.N.C.A.L.L. / //// {SHERMAN OAKS })
► FiVe *{{★}}* SeRviCe!!! ◄ ; EXOTIC DOMINICAN ► *{{UNRUSHED}} *INCALLS - 24
FRIDAY 13TH BARBI RETURNS 951-660-6469 JACUZZI FUN! in Burbank. Pre-book Now! - 35
(San Fernando Valley, burbank)
oOo___________ ____==_H_=_o _=_T_=___oOo___ __=_B_=_R_=_u_= _N_=_e_=_T_=_t_ =_E_=_________ _________ - 33
Tue 07 Jan
*☆*~ SExXY___ BiG BOOTY** BLUE Eye'd ** BLONDE * BEAUTY ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, * Sherman Oaks/VAN NUYS INcall/Outcall *)
Horny hot sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
Hot ready and oh so sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
Horny hot sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
Mon 06 Jan
vIsItInG= ► *((=EBONY/ DOMINICAN CUTIE=))= =((SHERMAN OAKS )) ◄= =*100*($pecial) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, U.P.S.C.A.L.E {INCALLS}{OUTCALLS})
► FiVe *{{★}}* SeRviCe!!! ◄ ; EXOTIC DOMINICAN ► *{{UNRUSHED}} *INCALLS - 24
The Best of the Midwest is NOW in California ! Available for outcalls - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks incall/outcall)
*☆*~ SExXY___ BiG BOOTY** BLUE Eye'd ** BLONDE * BEAUTY ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★) - 20
(San Fernando Valley, * Sherman Oaks/VAN NUYS INcall/Outcall *)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) SeXy (( *CoKe BoTtLe FrAm!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *SAFE & DiSCREET* )) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, incall/outcall van nuys/sherman oaks)
The Best of the Midwest is NOW in California ! Available for outcalls - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks incall/outcall)
vIsItInG= ► *((=EBONY/ DOMINICAN CUTIE=))= =((Available )) ◄= =*100*($pecial) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, U.P.S.C.A.L.E {INCALLS}SFV::::VAN NUYS)
Sun 05 Jan
NEW Horny hot sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
2 GiRl ShOw!! (BAD )( E X O T I C ) ( DOMIN ICAN ) ( B I G) ( B O O T Y )(FR3@K ) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, 100 $pecial ///{S.F.V.}// {I-405})
oOo___________ ____==_H_=_o _=_T_=___oOo___ __=_B_=_R_=_u_= _N_=_e_=_T_=_t_ =_E_=_________ _________ - 33
Sat 04 Jan
Sweet Creole🍑Juicy💦to the core🌰👅💦 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys incall-sherman oaks outcall are)
♡♡ SUPER A.M. Specials before Work With Angel Love♡♡ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks Incall)
vIsItInG= ► *((=EBONY/ DOMINICAN CUTIE=))= =((SHERMAN OAKS )) ◄= =*100*($pecial) - 24
(San Fernando Valley, U.P.S.C.A.L.E {INCALLS}{OUTCALLS})
💜💜💜Up Late Available Now!! 👯2 Girl Fun🎉 🎉 ✔️100% Real 🔥💘Brunette Hotties!! 💜💜💜 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Incall/ Outcall)
~*~ WARNING ~*~ you gotta see this! YOU have been warned! ~*~ WARNING ~*~ 1000% me - 27
Fri 03 Jan
NEW Horny hot sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
Hot ready and oh so sexy vixen seeking immediate fun, So now or not at all in/out call special - 20
(San Fernando Valley, All of S.F.V. Area 101,405, 118, 170, 5)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) SeXy (( *CoKe BoTtLe FrAm!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *SAFE & DiSCREET* )) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, incall/outcall van nuys/sherman oaks)
-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦: SEXY TIGHT AND WET WAITING ON YOU-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦ - 35
(LOS ANGELES,CA / 310.447.5267)
SpRIng BreAK*SPEciAl 2 for 1-GIrLz LoVeZ All FEtiSH PeRSian / PeTite-Italian SpiCy LAtiNa - 21
(San Fernando Valley, incall &outcall; /Sherman oaks van nuys)
-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦: SEXY TIGHT AND WET WAITING ON YOU-:¦:- ♥ o°-:¦ - 35
(LOS ANGELES,CA / 310.447.5267)
_ D O M ! N ! C A N _ ►B ! G_ B _0_ 0_ t _Y _► _=_ _ - 24
(({{*outcall:::::::incall}}) ShErMaN oAkS)
Thu 02 Jan
~*~ WARNING ~*~ you gotta see this! YOU have been warned! ~*~ WARNING ~*~ 1000% me - 27
$:_ ~*~ ::::::: Sweet ::::::: ~*~ Sexy ~*~ ::::::: ~*~ Classy ~*~ ::::::: Discreet :::::::!! - - 27
(Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley)
Sweet Creole🍑Juicy💦to the core🌰👅💦 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys incall-sherman oaks outcall are)
Sexy SOUTHERN Belle **New in Town** 100 specials - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks incall/outcall)
$:_ ~*~ ::::::: Sweet ::::::: ~*~ Sexy ~*~ ::::::: ~*~ Classy ~*~ ::::::: Discreet :::::::!! - - 27
(Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley)
STOP🚫 LooK No Further..( Taylor is Back!!👅)(( 💋Green Eyed Beauty💋))Curvy Thick Latina👅Moist Specials - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Incall / Outcall)
(Speci@ls) ————— 💞———————————— *BLoNDE* —♥— *B@RbiE* ——————————————💞 ————— (100% Real Pics) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks / Van Nuys Incall/Outcall)
SpRIng BreAK*SPEciAl 2 for 1-GIrLz LoVeZ All FEtiSH PeRSian / PeTite-Italian SpiCy LAtiNa - 21
(San Fernando Valley, incall &outcall; /Sherman oaks van nuys)